Simple pleasures in life ;) - Asthma Community ...

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Simple pleasures in life ;)

83 Replies


was just thinking about this, in absence of 100% lungs. What's yours?

*Sunny day

*Walk on the beach

*Dark choc

*Funny movie, the cheesier the better

*My cat, would love a dog


*Homemade cookies

*Dinner made for me

83 Replies

A cuddle from a much loved person.

A cup of weak black tea.

A good book and a snuggly blankie.

Tulips blooming from a compost heap.

My brother-in-law who has learning difficulties smiling and feeling safe when I take him to hospital just because I'm there and he trusts me....


Good weather

A win for Scunthorpe United

my Mason and Jack my babies,

hubby and sons and family.

my music pillow and lots of fresh fruit and banana milk shakes !!!

Your list is scarily similar to mine TJ! Though I wouldn't like a dog - I'm too lazy, even if I didn't have asthma ;) And I prefer cats anyway.

Mine (pinching some of yours here to save effort) include:

*Walk on the beach on a sunny autumn day

*Dark chocolate in all its forms (Chocolat Patissier Menier 72% cooking chocolate on sale at Sainsbury's)

*Music - cello, singing, listening, dancing to shameless cheese when I can

*American TV dramas (House, Bones, Glee) + cheesy films

*Reading (officially addicted, I get twitchy if I go a day without a book of some sort)

*Getting a cat fix and hearing them purr

*Shoes, and skirts

*Homemade cookies

*Dinner made for me - especially if it's steak

My daughters, a lovely lay in on a Sunday morning, lemon drizzle cake & a freshly made bed.


angievere profile image

First cup of tea of the day in bed with hubby.

Watching Star Trek episode (original series) with hubby and son.

- My little brother telling me he loves me and giving me a hug

- cuddles from my dog

- The first nights sleep in my own bed after a hospital admission

-The first homecooked meal at home after a hospital admission

- Warm summers evening sunset

angievere, a Trekkie geek as well? ;) I'll admit to it too, though I prefer the later series.

I forgot to mention lie-ins...mmmm.

angievere profile image

Yes Philomela, I am a true 'Trekkie', saw some of the original series first time round (showing my age here) and fell madly in love with Captain Kirk! Read William Shatner's latest autobiography last year, he's a real character. Hubby and son enjoy the original series too, and my sister is a big fan.

It seems that for all the modern gadgets we all prefer the simpler things in life, which I for one approve of wholeheartedly .. xxx

Having a lovely soak in the bath and getting into a clean bed, made with Egyptian cotton.

Sitting on the beach here at sunset on a summers evening.

Stargate SG1.. especially Jack .. lol

Going to the Scottish Mountains and breathing in that wonderful clean air, listening to the quiet.

Oh dear yorkieiron ""A win for Sunthorpe"", that's not a pleasure you will get to enjoy much then... More of a miracle, only joking but 3.0 against Preston, oh man, not good. Hope you get some points from somewhere soon


- coming home to my flatmate's hug after yet another visit to costa

- short walk out of house

- chocolate :)

- not a fan of scunthorpe sorry, but man utd all the way :)

- speaking to family on the phone as not well enough to go home to see them

- sunshine

Loos - we have no chance, we are doomed !

Snowygirl - Man Utd - boooooooooo !!!!!!!

*Barr's Irn Bru and a raspberry ice in Central Cafe on a sunny day.

*Gentle walk by the river then across the park for above item.

*Pushing a pram.

*Trips to the seaside in a VW bus.

*Going for a paddle.

*Looking out my bedroom window to the braes.

*Having a small animal sit on you and go to sleep.

*Reading favourite books like 'The Willows in Winter' when warm and cosy indoors.

yorkeirion, we gonna start a row now are we over footy!! haha.

man utd all the way! 26 years of supporting man utd lol

x x

So you must be a Londoner then lol

angievere profile image

Another one. Lying in freshly made bed, feet against hotwaterbottle, watching an episode of Law and Order New York/Miami that I havent seen before and drifting off to sleep.

Annista profile image


Reading - I'm addicted

My sons

My grandchildren - if I'd known what a joy they are I'd have had them first ... lol

Watching Tremors - quite an old film now but it always makes me laugh

Sci-fi (Stargate SG1 / Universe, StarTrek (saw the original series first time round!), A Town Called Eureka - the list is endless)

Annista profile image


Reading - I'm addicted

My sons

My grandchildren - if I'd known what a joy they are I'd have had them first ... lol

Watching Tremors - quite an old film now but it always makes me laugh

Sci-fi (Stargate SG1 / Universe, StarTrek (saw the original series first time round!), A Town Called Eureka - the list is endless)

Edit: Don't know what happend here - this post was obviously so good it uploaded twice lol.

Hi Annista

Love Tremors too. All time classic.

Like the comment about having the grandkids first. Me too.

Annista profile image

Grannymo, I'm so pleased to find somebody else who appreciates Tremors - the pole vaulting between rocks has me falling about laughing every time.

My brother and I share a love of bad films, usually 'creature featues'. Favourites are Lake Placid for the scene where the cow is dangled from the helicoptor and Fishzilla because it's so preposterous.

For me, best bits of Tremors - finding the car buried in the sand and the amazing arsenal the couple had, just to hand. LOL

eating maltesers in bed whilst chatting to friends on AUK and facebook :)


a cuppa

Some chocolate - large mint areo bar

My pet rabbit that sometimes sets my asthma off

Playing my ds



Listening to music

Being able to breath but that must be for everyone


Annista profile image

Grannymo, have you seen Tremors 2 and 3? They're not quite so silly, but there are still some inspired bits of idiocy. I am told that there was even a (fairly short) series shown on sky, which I managed to miss out on. I'll have to look out for the box set!

Some more I missed, Philomena sounding more similar all the time

*Reading-have 2 overflowing tall bookcases


*TV-comedies, property shows etc

*Nice bath with Lush stuff and freshly made bed after-defo. agree with Cubi there

*New best peakflow even if it didn't last

Evening all :)

* 4 way piggy cuddles

* Sunny days

* Fresh bedding

* Reading good books

* Final Fantasy 7 and all the spin offs

* Crayola pencils (I just LOVE the smell, not sure why)

tj i agree with the bath with lush stuff i got the new lush times today


a_tjtinker, likewise aeromint bar, made my way through one since yesterday :S hehe

hmmm.... yummy :)


areo mint is the best

just bought another bar! haha.

another simple pleasure - shooting my short film for asthmaUK this morning, showing people what its like living with brittle asthma - informative, VERY fun to do :) cant wait to do the editing and see the final product!!

actually well enough to do it, besides cough cough cough, which i think added to the effect!

just had lovely hot bath which i added radox stress relief to - rosemary and eucalyptus :) filled up completely with water and bubbles, aaaahhhhh......

x x

Good on you Snowygirl.

Don't think I could do a short film. Tis exciting being involved in awareness/media. When & where's it to be shown?

thanks TJ, it will be on here on the AsthmaUK website, and if i am not mistake, will be shown in local schools in london, we obviously get a copy :P and will go on and facebook too. part of AsthmaUK advertising for world asthma day which is on may 3rd this year, so sometime before then..

x x

- That relaxing feeling I get when I am stitching another thing or 2

- (another in agreement!) Lush stuff and hot baths,

- Old cartoons and anime

-Drawing for hours

Cycling down a steep hill, toblarone and haagan daas icecream .....

had another hot radox bath earlier :)

lots of bubbles, hehe x x

Ironing! Ok I actually hate ironing with a passion & due to my asthma hubby does it but today I needed something ironed so I sat & did it all. Now this is the simple pleasure bit, the smell transported me back to my Mum's kitchen on a Saturday morning when we'd chat whilst getting the ironing all done. It was a lovely memory I had to share!


a big milky bar :)

S. mama - What a nice memory to have. Ironing to me, is homecraft afternoons at school. 1960s, we were still taught, like many generations before us, with old-fashioned irons heated on a black range. Learning 'useful' stuff like how to iron a man's handkerchief with perfect corners.

GrannyMo, good times & nice memories. All little pleasures in life that dont cost anything!

S.Mama xxxx


watching casualty with chocolate shortcake :)

Small breakfast at local cafe. Manna from heaven after fasting blood test.

No work tomorrow !!

watching factual tv programs

a nice 'soap and glory' bubble bath.......... ahhhhh lol

being able to use my skills as a nurse to help someone i know who collapsed unconscious tonite :)

what a feeling!


Sounds like a great feeling, snowygirl

I missed decent somerset cider off the original list, none of that white lighting esq stuff

it was TJ, whats more, his friend left me a voicemail, beside his hospital bed to say that 'j' was okay and wanted to say personal thankyou to me for saving his life :)

aw... what a feeling :)


Watched 60 hot air balloons floating past my house this morning. An incrediable but beautiful sight at 7am!


Wow S.Mama - 60 at once! If you've got the weather we have here (very sunny) that would have been an amazing sight!

I have to admit that trashy TV is a simple if vaguely guilty pleasure which I need to ration. Particular favourites: Wife Swap USA and Don't Tell the Bride.

Yes 6o! It was amazing & not what I was expecting to see as I opened the curtains this morning! Its been on the BBC news this lunchtime as it was a world record. I love trashy tv too! Cant beat it when your lungs are grumbling & you are sofa warming! Take care!

Love S.Mama


angievere profile image

Watching 3 episodes of Judge Judy in bed 8.10-9.30am. Bliss!

Hot air balloons, fab :) That cross channel mass flight must have looked great ShoppingMama. Have been woken up by burners of balloons on the early ascent at the Bristol Balloon Fiesta.

Philomena, saw Don't Tell The Bride yesterday on BBC3?, love it too.

It is good, isn't it? I can also recommend Bridezillas - real 'car crash' TV. Every time I see it I wonder how these women got to the point where someone wanted to marry them - or perhaps they were actually normal before and preparing for their wedding really has made them unhinged.

Heehee, the original Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory's on now on ITV. Loved the Roald Dahl books too.

Playing with my cat Rhys, or reading a good book.

become addicted now to ham salad lol


Hmm, not sure it is entirely simple but mum just asked about what I want for birthday tea and I actually decided on salad with parma ham, poached egg and asparagus. Now waiting for Tuesday with mouth watering me thinks!!

Edit: spelling

watching the film of phantom of the opera garard butler is hot as the phantom

roast dinner

finding reduced label rice pudding -with clotted cream - in waitrose it was only 69p and I can't wait to eat it...goes off today so I am going to have to eat it all today ho hum :b

Spent weekend with various friends, lots of small pleasures there:

*ice cream - home made at amazing cafe, choc with choc sauce and nuts

*Indian meal

*watching tortoise race - ours came in 3rd but it was stuffed

*laughing at friend staying with me because she broke her arm in a really amusing way a few weeks ago (yes I am evil but it was funny!). Signing her cast also fun - I really would love to be there when she has it taken off and they read what's on it...

*punting. Or rather being punted, if I tried it I'd probably collapse and fall in the river, plus I am rubbish at the best of times

*house party, lots of talking (my favourite kind of party) - bit knackered and breathless afterwards though

I hope everyone else had a good weekend?

simple pleasures in life - being able to have a decent shower where you actually feel 100% clean when you get out and being able to sleep more than an hour at a time - bliss (can you tell ive been back in hospital lol)

French manicure from a friend.

Hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows !!!!!

My list all could be endless and would be food or family orientated !!!!!!

Toffee crisps

a whole shop full of knitting wool

Better still a shop full of knitting wool and toffee crisps

Honey, older daughter has a friend who runs a knitting shop called Yarn Cake. I'm told both the yarns and cakes are yummy.

Also you might be interested in Ravelry -

I would love to walk down to my local burn and dene to take photos of the wild flowers and birds. Particularly, the the wild pheasant that have returned after an absence of more than 80 years, I'm told.

Granny Mo, tell her to let me know when she has perfected a dairy free option and I shall pay a visit - sounds lovely.

My Just sitting on the patio watching my rabbits clean each others ears and snuggle and no matter how much food you give them they share each and every piece.

Nickynoo, have you looked on the BBC good food website? They have some fab recipes and ideas for different dietary requirements.For example

Oh sounds nice - not that I need any recipes for more bad food!!

When I started reading that I thought you were gooing to suggest recipes for rabbit!

hehe I thought the same re the rabbit on starting to read TJ's post!

Posted on the rant thread so thought I ought to balance it out by posting on here...

Pleasures: finding a book you really enjoy and knowing it's part of a series (This is a smaller part of 'being lucky enough to have an addiction that is harmless and socially acceptable, even encouraged').

Grannymo - sounds like the perfect place to me...would love to visit!

Sitting in the garden with large glass full of fruit to balance out the Pimms :), music on and reading

Bumped up in response to cathbear's 'Gentle Reminder: Requesting urgent medical advice' in General as many people seem to have had a rough time recently. Could do with looking on the brighter side of life ;)

thank you TJ!!!

board games with the family!! i played human sized jenga on boxing day...was 'mazing!!

angievere profile image

Watching Merlin with hubby and son. One programme we've all enjoyed.

Catching up with my eldest son after not seeing him for several months.

woman stopping to help me carry my bags and make sure i was ok, as i was on the verge of an attack and had just missed my train! so nice of her!

yaf_user681_3150 profile image

We have had two great dogs in the past, and it has been said that one does not have a dog and bark one's self.

However, that's not necessarily true. I am still barking well with whatever I have acquired since that initial nasty asthma attack just before Christmas. I have no obvious sign of infection and I am sure it is not the mild asthma itself, which I obviously have as well.

Each day I am going through the house, washing surfaces with antiseptic, shoving the vacuum cleaner everywhere and wearing a surgical face-mask to avoid dust as I go. I don't need to use the exercise bike as I am getting proof with aching muscles that I'm doing the burn, or whatever it is.

So here comes another day, oh housework, will it ever end! (Woof-woof!

Annista profile image

My granddaughter saying 'but I want GRANNY to help me' and my grandson taking a break from opening his presents to get me to read his new book to him.

I think I must have a neon sign on my forehead that starts flashing every time I see my grandchildren. It says 'Putty in your hands...'

Watching grandsons (11 mths and 16mths) examine sit & ride car, together. Will we have engineers in the future?

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