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Finially someone has wrote Asthma on my daughters dignosis.

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Hi everyone,

I hope this winter is treating all your children kindly and not to many problems.

After an awful time at the begining off december when martha really should off been admitted to hosp (thats another story). She was given a months course off azithromycin.

I was seen in clnic in oct and the stupid reg said we will see her in April as she been wellish (yea doh it was the summer). i instested she was not dischrged form hosp care was we had not been through a winter post her swine flu addmission to PICU. Thank god i did insisted on this.

After her bad spell i phone sectory and ask for a review at the end off december as i felt she needed seen sooner. Well we had our app on the 30th was a lovely consultant not our normal one (first time we seen a consultant since discharge form hosptial form picu addmission). and boy she was good and made so much sense.

She said she felt that she had prob still got lots off swelling in her lungs and airway form her swine flu epsiode and that while she was on azithro all last winter post her swine flu had no pred at all even when poorly just needed higher salbut. but that once she came off the azithro within 2 months she had her first pred then 4 colds in 6 weeks and that last cold just made her very poorly and more pred and was given azithro.

She said she felt she needed the azithro to reduce the swelling thats there so that when she gets ill the swelling form that is easier for her to cope with.

And that she did have asthma.......... Shes the first doctor to say this whoo hoo... as much as i hate that she has been given the dignosis i am relived someone has finaily siad it. She also thinks she had bronchial Hyper reactivity and poss some lung damage that will repair itself over time form being so poorly and ventilated.

It was such a good app and we are hoping to manage her on the azithromycin and singuler. with inhalers when needed.

So far so good.... i am now going to see if i can change consultants to this lady not our normal one.


Mummy to Martha moo...

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bless u sounds like u have finally found the right doctor, hope ur little one is ok xxx

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