We've now had more than a month battling to restore some level of control to dd's asthma and I'm wondering just how long the situation can continue?!
Since Monday she's been on serevent (2 twice daily), clenil 50 (4 twice daily) and 2 ventolin four hourly which I thought (the triumph of hope over experience perhaps?) might nail it and we could get back to some semblence of normality. But, already today we've had two asthma attacks and it's not even lunch time.
We're back to the doctors this afternoon as my feeling is she has a chest infection brewing as her peak flow is down from 310 to 270 and I got my butt kicked by a gp a couple of weeks ago for praising the 270 she got then as being good when it apparently wasn't. Assuming I'm right and it is another chest infection that will be three courses of antibiotics in a spit under four weeks!
We continue to battle on and I know we won't be beaten but this but, oh, how I yearn to be able to stop worrying and for for her to feel happy and normal again:~(
Sorry to be such a whinge bag.