help: I'm not sure where to start... - Asthma Community ...

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4 Replies

I'm not sure where to start really. My son, Sam had bronchiolitis when he was 7 months old, and ever since has a tendency to wheeze and ough badly, whenever he has a cold or is under the weather. These symptoms have increased in severity as he's got older, and he's now 3 currently taking antibiotics for a suspected chest infection alongside his usual preventer and reliever inhalers. About 3 weeks ago, we saw the practice nurse at our G.P. surgery, and she prescribed singulair granules - may make a difference, may not type of thing. That same week I was back and forth to the doctors who eventually sent him for a chest xray (he's never had a chest xray, even when he had bronchiolitis), and that showed changes which the doc put down to his asthma, and also showed signs of an infection. Antibiotics prescribed and given religiously, but now less than a month later, he's back on them.

I am sick with worry. I don't know whether he should be referred to a paediatrician, or whther we should ride this all out.Nobody has actually said he has asthma - they apparently can't diagnose because a child cannot do the usual measurements that adults can. They're just treating him as such, but we have no real monitoring. He's only seen by a doctor when he is ill, and I'm anxious that he isn't growing as he should, and I'm somehow seriously letting my boy down.

I'm in tears as I write this. I feel so helpless. Can anyone advise what to do, if anything. Thankyou,

Claire x x x x

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4 Replies

Claire, you are not letting Sam down at all, far from it sounds like you are doing your absolute best for him. Go back to your GP and ask for a referal to the local pead sounds like Sam needs to be looked at by someone a little more expert. Try to see if there is a pead who specilises in asthma. In the mean time if you are at all worried get yourself and Sam to the local A&E to be checked out.

Good luck and huge hugs


i agree with bex. you are NOT letting your son down. you are obviously concerned and i certainly think that you should ask for a referral to an asthma specialist. it is always a worrying time, waiting to see if a new med works, keep an eye on his daily (and nightly) symptoms and see if you notice any sort of improvement. michael (who is 4) has been on singulair for 21/2 years and, where it doesnt seem to prevent flareups, it did seem to ease his daily wheeze and breathlessness. it may take a while though so be patient and keep your chin up.

if you ever want to chat about symptoms, meds etc or if you just want a blether with someone who doesnt think your crazy, feel free to message me. im always happy to talk!

Thankyou, both of you, for your very kind and encouraging replies.

Sam was up in the night at about 4 ish, and I had to give him quite a few blasts of his salbutomol inhaler before he relaxed.

He seems a bit brighter this morning - wish I could say the same for me!

I feel that I am an over anxious parent who's mithering all the time. I can hear the exasperation in the receptionists voice, each time I have to ring the G.P.'s and more or less beg to see a doctor.

It feels like one long battle, but one I'm prepared to continue for my son's sake. I just wish that the system made it easier for us to access the help and reassurance that we both need.

Thank you again,

Claire (and Sam) x x x x

Please dont let receptionists make you feel over anxious as its not them who is up with Sam at 4am ! I can't really add much more than Bex and Kirsten have already said but it sounds like you are doing your very best for Sam. If you are getting nowhere with the gp then maybe when Sam is struggling you could take him to A and E. At least that way Sam will be properly examined by a paedrician.

Its not easy having a sick child and it can at times feel ,like an uphill battle to get the proper care for them but eventually once you have a supportive medical team things may get a easier for you and Sam.

My son is alot older than Sam,he is 11 but has had asthma from very young, if you ever need a chat feel free to message me.

Julie x

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