Anyone feeling ill whilst taking preventative inhaler ? Im getting severe cramps in my legs and just feeling really bad.Nauseous and dizzy.
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preventative inhaler

Which inhaler do you take out of interest & do you take any other medication? This might not help but I have been getting swelling & cramps, & my GP changed my blood pressure medication when I asked her about it; along with arranging various blood & urine tests. I'm still waiting to see but there has been a definite improvement fairly quickly.
Hope you get it sorted anyway.
Hi, My inhaler is beclometasone but I also take thyroxine for under active thyroid.Glad you have been sorted. Thanks for your reply x
It's early days yet but initally I've seen some improvement. I used to take 1000mcg/day of beclomethasone at one time & was switched to seretide a couple or so years ago which I've now been taken off as they say it increases susceptibility to infection.
Have you talked to your GP about the pain & nausea? There are several different preveters & s/he might just try you on a different one to see if that's the cause or if it's something else.
Also there are websites where I think you can report possible side effects of medication (yellow card or something??); I'm not saying that's what it is as I'm not a doctor but others might be experiencing the same.
Thank you, Minushabens , i have an appointment to see GP in two weeks time. ( appointments take that long now ) so I will ask him. Ive found the yellow card site and will report the side effects. Good luck and thanks again
hi , prior to me sorting out my asthma i had an awful twitch in my lip and a small one on my eye ... I read up on deficiency of minerals and now i'm twitch free and no longer on any meds , it really is at least worth a read up
I get really bad cramps from my inhaler too! My doctor just told me to eat bananas but that has done nothing for me
Hi , I am still having problems with the preventative inhaler ( beclomethasone ). Can somebody please help me?
Since taking it I have had problems with acid reflux and stomach pains.
I have had an ulcer in the past but taking lansoprazole fot it.
Could it be affecting the ulcer. Im at my wits end as the GP keeps saying " computer says no "
Please help xxx
Can anyone help me please ??
I have stopped taking my asthma Meds now because of the side effects ( reaction with tricyclic anti depressants). GP and asthma nurse both say " it is in your mind" but I am convinced it is not. They will not change them .
HiI'm taking seretide 100 for late onset asthma. I was on symicort before that. I've had awful side effects and feelmpermanently I'll. I'm at My wits end. Doctors just don't listen just say its a virus etc. I feel like stopping inhaler cosvthe asthma better than side effects. Caroline