Those of you taking co-codamol for your pain, what do you take to keep constipation away?
Thank you
Those of you taking co-codamol for your pain, what do you take to keep constipation away?
Thank you
High fibre cereal (50g) such as AllBran for breakfast each day + fruit , as much veg as you can stand (!) plus plenty of fluids If that's not sufficient then a stool softener such as Laxido, from the chemist, does the trick
Hi I have AllBran cereal and prunes! Prunes are amazing and I remember, in the olden days , they used to give it to patients for breakfast in hospital! Also have fruit and vegetables! Not too much banana though as that makes my constipation worse! Not sure why! Lots of water too!
Hope it helps!
Drink lots of water even more in this heat. Drink banana based smoothies and cherries get me going.
TBH I only use Co-codamol as last resort, trying not to use for days on end.
Dried fruit and nuts
Fulfils works for me to
GP can prescribe a sachet you mix with water. Not Fibrogel something else
lactulose BD, dose according to results, works very well.