Covid jab and flare: Hi all. I had my first... - Arthritis Action

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Covid jab and flare

sutbut profile image
33 Replies

Hi all. I had my first dose of Astra Zeneca 1/3/21, no side effects at all or so I thought. I have Crohns, RA and OA and on various medication including Humira and Methotrexate which have been keeping things bearable if I don't overdo it however about 4 weeks ago my ankles and feet started getting increasingly painful and my wrists and hands, which had been problem free, followed suit. Since then I've degenerated into a shuffling old woman (I'm 60!) holding on to anything handy to keep my balance. Went for my long awaited steroid injection in my knees today and asked the lovely physio doing it if any one else had mentioned problems since having the covid jab and the question was barely out of my mouth when he replied 'yes, lots'. He said the AZ one seems to be causing most of these flares but they will subside as your immune system gets used to the big boost it's had which was quite reassuring as I was beginning to think I was on a permanent downhill slope. Really just wanted to post this for anyone else who may have been having a similar reaction. He didn't know if the same thing occurs with the second dose, mine's due 17th May so I expect I'll find out soon enough. Hope none of you have been knocked for six like I was.

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sutbut profile image
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33 Replies
kateanne profile image

Hi. What you post is very interesting to me. I had my first Pfizer jab in January with no problems at all. My 2nd was just under 2 weeks ago and over the last few days, my arthritic aches and pains have been worse than I've ever had. Every joint and muscle has been so painful its been difficult to walk around and my feet were very numb yesterday with pain from my lower back. I wondered if it was delayed reaction to the jab but can't find any info about side effects happening after 3 days. I have OA and not recently had tests for RA. I think I'm avoiding the possibility of medication for that. Hope you feel better soon. Best wishes.

Batty1 profile image
Batty1 in reply to kateanne

This is so scary to me with these Covid vaccines... I have PSA and on Cosentyx and Im terrified about being in pain again as it is I’ve been pretty crippled over the past 4 yrs and only very recently started to be able to move for 30 mins before my pain punches me down.

kateanne profile image
kateanne in reply to Batty1

Have you received your vaccine doses yet?

Batty1 profile image
Batty1 in reply to kateanne

No, because I'm seriously terrified of being crippled again and in my head I know I will probably be ok but something deep inside says ....don’t!

kateanne profile image
kateanne in reply to Batty1

It' s very unlikely you'll be affected and if so the side effects usually go away eventually. Incidentally, I'm feeling much better today 😊

sutbut profile image
sutbut in reply to Batty1

Hi, I didn't want to scare anyone with my post, just to pass on the confirmation that the effects for those who get them would only be temporary. Please don't avoid the vaccine on the off chance you may be affected or maybe try and get the Pfizer one.

Batty1 profile image
Batty1 in reply to sutbut

Its not your post that makes me take pause when it come to the vaccine (I'm not an anti-vaccine person) I just feel like my life is somewhat normal and just don’t want even a temporary slide and will still do it I really think Im going to take the wait approach right now since I don’t work and not a group hug kind of person.

in reply to Batty1

I feel the same exact way. I'm not anti-vax, but I have a strong intuition that says, no, not now. I've read a lot of autoimmune people having really bad experiences with the vaccine.

Batty1 profile image
Batty1 in reply to

Yes, I have read this even in medically run sites which is another reason Im hitting the pause button... I live with multiple immune issues.

in reply to Batty1

there's a lot of pressure to get vaccinated but it doesn't seem like there is much harm in waiting, so long as you stay safe. Who knows, they might come out with a better vaccine or we might get to herd immunity. this was interesting - a possible covid treatment, in a pill, by the end of the year.

Batty1 profile image
Batty1 in reply to

That is interesting.

HJC321 profile image
HJC321 in reply to Batty1

I really wish I had waited. Having a few autoimmune issues I was adamant that I wouldn’t have it but after speaking with my GP he thought I should have it as “nothing would be as bad as getting Covid” . I have felt unwell eversince with aches and pains and difficulty in getting anything diagnosed. Won’t be having the Booster jab they are speaking about!

Batty1 profile image
Batty1 in reply to HJC321

Sorry to hear your having issues. If you don’t mind me asking what issues have you developed?

HJC321 profile image
HJC321 in reply to Batty1

Thanks. Mostly aching and pain in wrists and hands.

Batty1 profile image
Batty1 in reply to HJC321

Are these pains new or have you had this issue before but only recently acted up?

HJC321 profile image
HJC321 in reply to Batty1

No they are new. I can’t say for sure it’s the Covid vaccine but it seems a strange coincidence.

Batty1 profile image
Batty1 in reply to HJC321

Oh that is strange.

Newcastle1962 profile image
Newcastle1962 in reply to kateanne

Hi i had second vaccine and collapsed - pfizer. I was also violently sick. 6 months later i still feel very unwell- head issues and fatigue. I have leukemia and arthritis. Hand pains have become worse . I dread the booster

sutbut profile image
sutbut in reply to Newcastle1962

I had no reaction at all to the second AZ jab so not only are different types of jab having varying effects on people but also seems that sometimes they do and sometimes they don't on the same body. I haven't had my booster yet so no telling what that will bring. Have you spoken to your rheumy or specialist about your side effects? This must really be getting you down by now, it's bad enough being so ill in the first place without this making it worse.

Newcastle1962 profile image
Newcastle1962 in reply to sutbut

No one seems to care I have Osteoarthritis so not having any treatment . Leukemia specialist logged it but did nothin g.

sutbut profile image
sutbut in reply to Newcastle1962

I know that feeling only too well, the only thing that gave me relief from constant pain was steroid injections in my knees which helped my whole body. I asked for a repeat of these at my last appointment but was refused as they would probably make my osteoporosis even worse so they gave me painkiller patches which haven't worked and an appointment for 6 months time. I really don't know what they think will have changed in that time, feels like they just want to put you on hold until you finally give up. I hope you feel better soon and enjoy the occasional 'good' day you might get.

Newcastle1962 profile image
Newcastle1962 in reply to sutbut


katieoxo60 profile image

Hi sutbut, sadly I had similar reaction to you with both Zeneca jabs . I am still recovering from the second jab. Hope we don’t have to have a third one later in the year. Hope your one on the 17th is less severe with reactions. Think my second one was a little less severe but still makes you feel ill. Stay safe and well every best wish x

sutbut profile image
sutbut in reply to katieoxo60

Hi katieoxo60 thanks for your good wishes. I've actually been a lot better since I had the steroid jab in my knees- it seems to have helped the other aches and pains as well so I'm enjoying the relief while I can. I'll be prepared for the second one, wasn't planning partying anyway!

katieoxo60 profile image
katieoxo60 in reply to sutbut

Hello you made me smile wish I could go partying no chance these days.😀

Carlelwell profile image

Hi sutbut I had my 1st AstraZeneca jab about 6 weeks ago lm a 50 year old male always been healthy . About a week after jab both my knees really swollen up and was really painful. I thought I’d pulled my knees somehow. A week later still no better and with all talk of blood clots I when to A&E were the doctor said I had arthritis in knees strange never had it before. The swelling has gone now but pain is still lingering and my knees feel like glass I had blood tests which all came back fine but doctor is sending me for X-rays now . My arms and shoulders have started to ache now as well . I’m due for second vacation the end of may . I really wanted vacation but an weary of going now . Feel like a old man hobbling around . Got to be the jab never felt like this until I had it just hope it wears of soon . Hope your feeling better now .

sutbut profile image
sutbut in reply to Carlelwell

It seems this jab reaches the parts other jabs don't reach! Although I've had RA in my knees and ankles for a few years my hands hadn't suffered until now but I'm pleased to report I can now switch the kettle on one handed again so there's definitely been an improvement over the last couple of days, I hope you feel better soon too.

monkeyraymond profile image

Hi I had the Astra and just keep thinking about your statement . I had the Astra due to being allergic to penicillin. And yes I did have a reaction. Lasted 6/7 hours it was scarey. It’s the after effects that puzzle me are they related . I suffer with arthritis/ osteoarthritis and flare ups of rheumatoid. And this pain in my knees has been crippling is it attached to the Astra

gwendybiv profile image

I was knocked for six too but did not put 2 and 2 together until I read your message. My second vaccine is on the 28th May!

sutbut profile image
sutbut in reply to gwendybiv

Hi Gwendybiv, got mine Monday so fingers crossed. Best of luck.

bluebell99 profile image

I had my first and was in pain all over but particularly in my neck and bad headache. That lasted for about 24 hours but the fatigue lasted about 4 days,( and no, taking paracetamol does not help the pain!) Strangely everything I ate or drank tasted metallic.

I have a lot of autoimmune conditions so I suppose it was not unexpected for me to have some kind of reaction.

I was very dubious about the second jab, (both AZ) and was prepared to be out of action for a few days but it couldn't have been more different! No reaction ,no achy arm, funny taste, headache or even a spot where the jab went in!

I was told having side effects show your immune system is working properly, but I still filled out the "yellow card" scheme on GOV.UK.

Please do have your second jab, even a few side effects are better than having the full blown covid.

monkeyraymond profile image
monkeyraymond in reply to bluebell99

Hi I also filled the yellow card in online . Due to having issues . I thought that myself had well my immune system working with the vaccine . Still scarey though . I’ve also read people having joint pain etc . I experienced this also but unsure if it is to do with the vaccine. It was crippling pain that would not leave with meds slight reduction in pain . It must be to do with inflammation which the vaccine causes.any way will be having the second one shortly . Take care everyone x

iveco profile image

Hi all, I have got PMR and OA . Had my second AZ jab 3 weeks ago , was quite unwell for 2 to 3 days , on day 5 I started with really bad neck pain , pain in both shoulders which travelled down arms. Also both knees have become very painful , been wondering if it had anything to do with the AZ jab. I still have the pains . Before the jab I only had hip pain but now I am down to shuffling around the house

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