Hi, I'm already taking Liflunomide 20mg one tab daily since 4 years ago, I want to father a child, is there any problem to do that ? is it need to stop taking Liflunomide and have a washout treatment?
Thanks in advance
Hi, I'm already taking Liflunomide 20mg one tab daily since 4 years ago, I want to father a child, is there any problem to do that ? is it need to stop taking Liflunomide and have a washout treatment?
Thanks in advance
Hello Ahmed, I've copied the following from a document on the National Rheumatoid Arthritis website
"Recommendations for men
Leflunomide is suspected of causing birth defects
For men wanting to father a child reliable contraception is essential for at least three months after stopping it or for 11 days using a ‘wash out’ procedure"
To read the whole document please follow this link.
Hope this helps and may I wish you every success in your hope to have a child.