Hi all!,have titled my post as newbey cos although I am only just accepting I am suffering arthritis I am no stranger to it,my mother had ra from childhood ,she had 27 ops in her lifetime and spent the last years of her life reliant on a wheelchair.My condition is worsening ,in just the last year its gone from"shoulder injury?"to "oh god this is ra" for the past few years I attributed shoulder pains to a life time of lifting weights in my gym,but now I recognise the symptoms mum had,during flare-ups I can bareley pull my t shirt over my head,lift a cereal bowl to a shelf,or put pressure on a cleaning cloth.I am reluctant to get official diagnoses as I dread to huge medication list so am holding to see if fellow sufferers can offer self help tips.
Newbey?: Hi all!,have titled my post as... - Arthritis Action
With your family history I would get to the doctor asap. There is no such thing as a 'tip' I'm afraid. The diagnosis will be confirmed with a blood test. Good luck!
Thank you yes think i better had
You may find the NRAS site very helpful if you have RD. Take care X
Thank you gigi71,i know i must go for official diagnosis soon im reluctant as i have seen what the medications can do long term , its catch 22 damned if you and damned if you dont, also my partner suffers with fibromyalga and depends on me takeing her around in wheelchair the pain in my shoulders is made worse by putting pressure on the chair handles so i spose i got to sort it thanks again for your help
All the more reason to start treatment, it won't be fast either, depending on where you live, Rheumatologist are incredibly busy. I've had RD for 33 years and maybe some of the earlier treatments with too much steroids have taken there toll. But a biological drug I started 10 years ago has been a life saver. With RD you too need treatment and a good diet, if you smoke, try and get help to stop, light exercise is good also, for the supporting muscles, but first go to your GP and start the process. I wish you lots of luck. X