Has anyone been suffering with raynaurd in this cold weather, over the last year mine has got worse, been offered medication by my rhematologist, but declined, due to the side effects. I do have arthritis of the spine.
Raynaurds: Has anyone been suffering with... - Arthritis Action

I have arthritis in my lower spine,I also have it in my neck and shoulders,knees and hips.What with this lot and copd I thought I had enough,but I now have raynaurds.It's peculiar but I tend to suffer when touching or holding cold objects more than the cold weather.
Hello, I have Raynaud's or should I say used to I think. I used to be on a blood thinning tablets for 8-10 years. I had to stop them because I was trying for a baby. So long story made short. Since I had two pregnancy and two boys later, I no longer get white fingers or toes. I still get the numbness tingling feeling. I think, in pregnancy you produce more blood and the heart has to pump faster for you and baby, forcing the blood has open the veins and arteries in the extremities. That's what I think has happened to me.
Hi mine is getting far worse get so cold all the time things have returned that went away before like cold chill getting straight into my back/lungs now so feel ill.
Feet turn yellow/purple.
But hopefully once get my quack kicked with a size 15 hob nailed boot up the jacksey will get reffered to the royal free clinic as SRUK are thinking Limited schorderma type thing as gums peeling which dentist says look like ends of fingers red and shiney also lower limbs shiney and harder skin