My knee is playing up and it looks as if I am going to need replacement soon. I just wondered if anyone has tried any alternative therepys or cures that have helped or any that have been a waste of money?
alternative medicine: My knee is playing up... - Arthritis Action
alternative medicine
My friend who eventually had to have a replacement knee which was very successful found acupuncture helped.x
Hi Mandyjane, I've had lyme-arthritis in my knees for 3 years. I've been taking a cupboard-full if supplements to try to repair the damage done, and something is working as I can now walk 6 miles regularly, lift reasonably heavy weights in the gym and just started jogging again. 1st though, do some simple pilates exercises which improve the mobility of your knees and hips. I don't know what they're called but they are all done lying on your side. The 1st is a sort of clam movement, opening and closing your knees while your feet are together and knees are bent. Then straighten your legs and raise and lower the top leg. Then do a cycling movement with the top leg. Just a few of each to begin with, and build up slowly. Repeat with the other leg. As for supplements, innopure green mussel extract really seems to help. Also Swanson's collagen hydrolysate - 2 tbsp per day (also very good for skin, hair, nails etc). These are the ones that made the most obvious improvement - it takes a few weeks, so give it time! I also take devil's claw, hyaluronic acid, glucosamine with chondroitin and msm. But try the collagen and innopure first along with the pilates exercises 1st. Hope this helps!!
Thank you. I have some green muscle extract which I will start to take. My osteopath recommended the same exercises as your self but I am struggling as it is such an effort to get down and up from the floor. She has recommended pilates generally so may find a class. I am at times wondering if I have Lime myself.
Hi mandyjane. I have arthritis in my knee & I have spent £100s of pounds on other therapy remedies. I had been taking them as they seemed to help others but they never fizzed on me. The only thing I have is co/codamol 30/500 & Tramadol 400mgs daily which I get from doctor every month. I am getting a steroid injection in January 2018 & I have to attend Hospital to get that. You are looking for any relief through alternative therapy but all I can say is try them & who knows you might get relief. All the best. Sam. Happy Xmas.
Thanks Sam it seems alternative stuff either works miricles or does nothing. Thank youfor your reply and merry christmas.
I have been looking into and trying CBD oil. I don't know if it would have potential for actually treating RA (my condition doesn't cause damage so it was never worth me looking into), but I have found it at least somewhat helpful as pain relief and it seems it's being found to be beneficial for a lot of conditions. It's something I would look into if I were you. You can buy it for about £30 which seems a bit expensive, but the way I see it it's the cost of a meal out for multiple weeks of reduced pain or to at least know if it'll work for you.
My dad has another pain condition and has found things like acupuncture, exercises and taping helpful. He sees an osteopath for his stuff.
Hope that helps give you some ideas and that you find something that improves things at least a bit for you.
Thanks Bubble monkey. Is hemp oil the same as CBD as I have some hemp oil.
Merry Christmas

Can be made from hemp as far as I know, but its different parts of the plant than with hemp oil.
This explains the difference:
Merry Christmas to you too