Is going back on the pill a good idea... - Action on Postpar...

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Is going back on the pill a good idea do you think?

hackneygirl profile image
8 Replies

It has been over a year since I had my ppp but only a few months since I have recovered from the severe PND that followed. Has any one heard if it isn't advisable to go back on the pill? I've been putting it of until my PND was behind me as I didn't want anything extra to affect my hormone.

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hackneygirl profile image
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8 Replies
sarah_at_app profile image

Hi hackneygirl,

I worried about this one too. It was a long time ago but I remember talking to my GP as I was experiencing very bad PMT before I went back on the pill. My Doctor said the pill may help to balance things out. I went back on it and had no problems and the PMT improved a lot.

We are all different so maybe it would be best to talk to your GP.

Good luck,

Sarah x

Naomi_at_app profile image

Hi hackneygirl

I do really understand your worries about going back onto hormonal contraception. Similarly to Sarah, I found that the pill actually levelled things out for me after the severe PND that followed my psychosis. Hope you had managed to have a good conversation with your GP or family planning clinic about it all?

It's a very important point you raise - as all of us who have been through PP need to think really carefully about our contraceptive options. I do think it should be a routine part of aftercare once discharged from hospital! To be honest I think for me another pregnancy very soon after the first would have felt really detrimental to my mental health and recovery.

I'm interested to hear also from other women who are thinking about longer term contraceptive options such as implants. After our second baby, I am thinking much more seriously about surgical sterilization for me. It's a tough thing though...


dioni profile image

Hi hackneygirl,

I have been twice through PP and my secord GP strongly recommended not to choose the pill for contraception, because of the effects it has on hormones. That' s his opinion of course, but I trust him, so I follow it.

andrea_at_app profile image
andrea_at_appVolunteer in reply to dioni

I chose this option too, not due to any technical medical knowledge at all but purely because I didn't want to take any medication any more that could have effects on my hormones - I really wanted to be 'my natural self' again. It worked well for me but it's obviously such a personal choice as we all have different circumstances. Much later down the line, we went for sterilisation, of my husband not me :-) but obviously that's way down the line as we've reached that stage in life. It is an important subject & I agree with Naomi that it really should be part of the aftercare.

Hannah_at_APP profile image

Hi hackneygirl, from my experience the doctors in the MBU (where I spent 3 months all in all) actually put the pill I was on before birth as part of my daily meds. In a way this was taking away my choice and control and not entirely a good thing if I think about it too much, but equally the advice to me was very strongly not to have another child without a good gap (3 years was stated by my consultant). Seeing as I was on a reducing dose of the antipsychotic for about a year and then lithium for 2.5 years in total, I can see and agree that the pill for me was part of my planned programme of care. I did have a GP at my local surgery (when having a pill check) ask if I wanted a coil or implant so I wouldn't forget my pill - as it was important not to get pregnant, as part of my recovery as well as a choice my husband and I made jointly which coincided with the consultant's advice for a gap. But I said I was hardly likely to forget it when I was taking other stuff, so that was fine!

As for hormones, I think this will probably vary between pill types and I'm no expert. I've been on the pill for years and never really found the hormones associated with periods something that has bothered me luckily. I'm sure your GP and other professionals can advise you best. Hope it all works out well for you.

Ellie_at_APP profile image

I sorted out contraception pretty quickly as many of you said having another baby so soon after pp would have felt disastrous. Just thinking though why the pill? I never used the pill because of affects on hormones. I use a coil and its great don't need to worry about it at all. Of course we are all different.

hackneygirl profile image

I thought I'd give you an update on this. I did go back on the pill but started feeling quite weird quite quickly and stopped it straightaway. Felt much better after a few days. Could have been a coincidence but I'm going to give it a miss just to be on the safe side.

AnneMR33 profile image

Hi Jen!

I've always felt weird on the pill - I really do believe it messes with my hormones - so it's condoms all the way for me. But as everyone said, we are all different. What do you mean by feeling weid?

Anne x

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