Does anyone know of any support group... - Action on Postpar...
Does anyone know of any support groups for men who have lived with a partner with PP?

Hi EmmiLou
I don't know of any yet specifically for PP, although I know at APP we are hoping to have some dads involved on this page soon. However, a dad whose wife suffered from severe postnatal depression has set up which may be a good place to start a conversation?
Hope this helps, N

Hi EmmiLou, I don't know of any specifically for PP either but partners, husbands & families are very welcome to post here too. There are a few husbands & partners here already who've some REALLY great tips & advice to share - so I'd suggest they come on here & ask away. Providing more support for partners & having more male peer supporters is so important & something we're definitely looking to build upon.

I don't know of any specific support groups for partners re PP, but this is great forum that includes partners as well who are willing to help and offer support.

Great, thanks for all your comments. I will see if this is something my partner would like to join too. I think its important for partners to understand the illness too and know how to cope with it themselves and how to support their partners suffering from PP. x

I agree, this would be a valuable addition. Especially for the more sterotypically male and reserved (and dare I say northern, from my own experience!) partners and family/ friends out there. Men deal with things quite differently from women in this I have found. But they are a great resource and can really know what is going on from close involvement.

Thanks spannerb for your message. I have told my partner to join this website too, as my father said it would be good to talk about his experience too, as he was kind of brushed to the side during my illness.