Hi all! I have suffered through PPP 14 months ago. I am now returning back to work after being off almost a year on my maternity leave. I work for an airline so my schedule is irregular. It’s shift work. So sometime I have to wake up at 2:30am to be at the airport at 5:00am. I will of course try my best to go to bed very early the night before and even take Melatonin occasionally if I have to (or some kind of over-the-counter sleep medication) - that way I get at least 6 hours of solid sleep before waking up in the middle of the night.
But I know we have to really watch our sleep patterns after experiencing PP. I’m confident that as long as I sleep 6 hours prior and take a 2 hour nap or so during the day after my shift - I should be ok but I’m naturally still a little nervous. Unfortunately it’s unavoidable to have odd hours at my work. (But it’s not everyday so that’s good). Does anyone else work off night shifts? How do you manage?