Does anyone else have really bad side effects from their meds? Did anyone not recover from psychosis and now have a diagnosis of Bipolar or similar. Has anyone else been disabled because of the psychosis eg not able to work?
I'm sorry if I've posted a similar message before but am struggling to cope at the moment.
I get chronic fatigue on my medication and extreme depression and chronic insomnia because of that I have become disabled.
My days are spent in bed at the moment with exhaustion as I can't work work currently and this is not a satisfactory way to live my life.
I had a job last year but was sacked when I became ill. My employers didn't know what was wrong with me and I was so ill that I didn't challenge the decision.
I have been looking for jobs since and can't find something that I can do that won't be too exhausting. I also now have a five year gap on my CV which is putting employers off.
I'm ideally looking for some sort of remote work that I can do from home.
If you've had PP and you're now on meds do you work and if so what type of work have you found that you're able to do?
Hope you can help , I'm in a rural location and very isolated and cut off and I don't have any friends. Would welcome any suggestions in what I could try to pass the time ideally that you've tried.