Hello lovely PP community,
I hope most of you are well.
I am 16 weeks pregnant and doing well, feeling excited, supported and also actually quite hopeful that my second pregnancy and postpartum period will be all right. My husband and I, with great support of professionals are working on a preventative care plan and a care plan should I unfortunately become unwell again.
One of the things I still need to decide on is whether and when I will take prohylactic anti-psychotics or not, and the same goes for sleep medication, or perhaps even both. There is quite some info out there on using anti-soychotics in a preventative way but I have heard /seen less about using sleep medication.
Anyone any experience with this? Experiences on any kind of preventative medication are welcome any, also anti-psychotics trying to make an informed decision although of course every person is different and ultimately I can only do what feels best for me and my family - hoping for the best...
Thanks a lot!