How did you get referred was the midwife or Gp ?
Referal to perinatal teams: How did you... - Action on Postpar...
Referal to perinatal teams

If you are pregnant, ask your midwife
Hi, I discussed a referral with my midwife at my booking in appointment and then was referred shortly after my first scan. I'm 25 weeks now and have so far had a home visit to go through a plan of what support I might find useful. I'm feeling really good so have so far just agreed to have a birth plan written with the perinatal mental health team and my midwife when I'm 32 weeks with a contingency plan for if I become unwell and some other things that might help reduce likelihood of me becoming unwell (private room, husband being able to stay etc)
Speak to the Gp they referred me to the perinatal team
My cpn referred me to perinatal team.
My GP referred me recently as we are planning a pregnancy
What happened when you got there
They talked me through possible options for managing my risk of relapse during and after pregnancy. Eg) medication before getting pregnant, medication towards the end of pregnancy, medication after the birth etc. They told me about the perinatal support in my area and said they'd make contact again once I was pregnant to visit the local mother and baby unit.
I personally would not want services
Services are sometimes vital in order to keep mums and baby’s well after birth. It is a woman’s choice whether or not to have services but when children are involved they have a duty of care to the child to safeguard. I was referred to social services whilst I was pregnant I found it very stressful and upsetting to be referred but the outcome was that they thought I was coping really well and they didn’t remain involved and discharged me. I had to fully comply with all their assessments, it was done to ensure the welfare of my child because I was low in mood and therefore I had my child’s best interests at heart by complying with assessments it showed I had nothing to hide to them. I told them the truth and everything they wanted to know. I was glad of their involvement despite the stress it cause me because I knew deep in my heart that they were just ensuring the welfare of me and my child and just doing their job which is a difficult one xx
I do not agree, stress has an impact on mental health and on a developing foetus
It must be very stressful if social services become involved but as Becciandbump has said, their job is to safeguard the welfare of the child and that would need to be balanced against any stress likely to be caused. Everyone’s circumstances and experiences will be different but services would only be involved in the best interests of mum and baby.
This is very true and I think it’s key that learning to manage stress in pregnancy is important if I had done more yoga meditation and learnt to switch off I’d have been a lot less stressed about it. It something that I have learnt from and it also made me realise how strong I was to get through it without becoming unwell XX
Why and how you refered to social services