My daughter has been suffering heart ache after heart ache partum abusive relationship....death of her family pet....having to uproot her two babies during all this....she’s irritable sad angry...her feelings are all over the board....she can’t concentrate....We are all trying to help her cope with these losses and are basically telling her to pull herself up by the boot straps for her children that she cannotmlive in those feeling forever....we have been having huge arguments....even had to bear hug her a time or two....I feel like I’m being abused by her somehow....I understand the heartache...I know she’s sad....I know it’s sxary....but I will not stand for the belittling and the mean ugly things she keeps do I carry on and help and keep myself sane?
At my witts end: My daughter has been... - Action on Postpar...
At my witts end

Dear jmcou62
I’m sorry to hear about the problems with your daughter. It sounds like she has a lot going on and it’s so difficult to support. It sounds like you’ve been doing an amazing job. I wondered if your daughter is accessing any professional support? Do you worry she may have postpartum psychosis?
It’s so important that you can look after yourself as well though, try to find space to do things you enjoy and that help you to feel balanced .
Take care
She doesn't mean what she says. It prob a reaction to the stress . Try ignore it

Hi Jmcou62,
I am sorry you are struggling with your daughter's behaviour. We often tend to hit out at the ones we love the most during times of stress. Do you think it may be worth giving her some space, to allow her to think about everything? From the sounds of it, she has a lot going on.
You are doing amazingly well supporting her but make sure you take time out for yourself as well.
Take care. xx
Thanks for all the reply’s.....Hearing her say she is giving up on things when you know that’s typically not her nature is I did something wrong along the way...I’m beginning to cry everyday....Hiding it from the rest of the family....rough stuff

It sounds like you are going through a really hard time. It is hard for you that you are hiding your own feelings from everyone, that must be taking it’s toll. Is there anyone you can reach out to, a friend or family member, someone you can trust? I know for myself talking with others is really essential when going through a hard time.
Thinking of you