Did this cause any problems for the baby?
Quetiapine in pregnancy : Did this... - Action on Postpar...
Quetiapine in pregnancy

Hi Pumpkins,
I am not medical in any way, I had PP after the birth of my first son and have just been discharged from the peri natal team. At our discharge meeting a second pregnancy was discussed, we are unsure if we will have another baby, but it was discussed that I could take Quetiapine through my next pregnancy to avoid another episode of PP. I was also offered to start medication as soon as the baby would be born if I preferred. We have been advised to ask for a referral to peri natal for a pre conception planning meeting should we decide to try for another baby/ or find out we are pregnant again. We can contact peri natal or your GP will be able to refer you. I hope this helps x
Breast feeding and queitiapine did anyone breast feed?
Hi Pumpkins I replied to a previous post of yours and at the same meeting I was told that it would be possible to breastfeed whilst taking Quetiepine x
Yes, breastfeeding still on quetiapine ( I tandem feed my 18 months and almost 3yo girls). Absolutely no issues. Was difficult to get up for night feeds, but would have been worse bottle feeding.
how much were you taking?