Has anyone on here suffered severe postpartum depression (feeling sucicidal every day) and been effectively treated with ECT?
How effective is ECT: Has anyone on... - Action on Postpar...
How effective is ECT

Hello Beckles30
Good to hear from you having read your previous posts. I think I mentioned that I had PP twice years ago. During my first PP I was sectioned to general mixed psychiatric care and had seven ECT treatments initially as I wasn't communicating. I was unable to have my son in the unit with me as there were no facilities in those days, except in the last unit where special arrangements were made for my son to be with me. The treatment was very effective and so I had more after being transferred to other mental health units. I eventually returned home with my first son after six months and gradually improved in my own time.
Following my second PP I had what seemed like an endless depression and was treated similarly to my first, although mainly at home as my first son was six years old. I had the feelings you describe with both episodes of PP. I also had ECT as an outpatient in times of crisis, of which there were many.
I can honestly say that ECT worked in tandem with medication and I'm sure I wouldn't have recovered so quickly without it. Thankfully I had no ill effects, apart from a 'fuzzy' head after treatment. Fortunately I remain well after all those years and have a very close bond with my sons.
I hope this is helpful. Take very good care of yourself .... we are all here to support you.
Thank you for replying Lillybeth, at the moment I am still being treated in psychiatric ward away from my daughter, I have been here nearly 7 weeks now. My treatment began with first doc putting me on fluoxetine, this was at the priory and due to being transferred after one night they then changed meds to cirtilapram as said fluoxetine might make me go high. A week Into having citalapram I had one day when I felt like my old self again (this feeling hadn't come back since before the psychosis) I had bad days following this and then had meds changed again to duloxitine and still struggling so they added metazapine, since being on these I have had two weeks of feeling sucicidal every day. I'm trying so hard for my daughter and thts what makes me get up every day but I now feel like giving up as no strength left to keep going. I've asked for ECT and they say no as it will make me go High, they treated me for bipolar initially and the drugs (antipsychotics & quetiapine) just made me worse, they then told me I'm not bipolar as antidepressants would have made me high....so confused as one min they say I'm bipolar due to previous bouts of depression and next min I'm not! I really don't think I can keep going for much longer and this depression just feels endless! Missing my daughter so much but don't even have the strength to visit her in IOW...I just feel like such a bad mum and just wish I could get back to being myself again. 😪 Sorry it's so negative I think writing it down just helps to get it of my chest. Thank you for your support 😀 Xx
Hello Beckles30
I'm so sorry to hear what an awful time you are having but glad the forum is here so you can get it off your chest. It must be so hard for you without a definitive diagnosis after so many weeks and very confusing. What have the nursing staff said when you told them about feeling suicidal on medication? Is there anyone in your family who can speak on your behalf as you're not feeling better but worse? In this situation, do you think your consultant would be willing to refer to Prof Ian Jones for guidance in APP's second opinion service regarding your treatment and ongoing care? The link being app-network.org/what-is-pp/....
Depression is such a burden to carry on its own without having the effects of PP to cope with too so I really understand how low you must feel. You're in no way a bad mum after going through so much and fighting to be well again for your daughter. I know it doesn't feel like it now but you really will get through this with the right care. It's not easy but try to stay positive and strong.
We are all here to lean on and listen, so please keep writing if it helps. Take very good care of yourself and hold onto the thought of seeing your daughter again when you are well, which you will be in time. xx
Thank You lillybeth, I Will Ask about the referral tomorrow. Thank you so much for your support.xx
Hello Beckles30
You're very welcome to all our support. I hope the consultant agrees to a referral to Prof Jones. Sometimes when we're not well it's difficult to get our point across so I hope you can find the strength tomorrow.
We're here for you. Stay safe and take good care. xx

Hi Beckles
I'm so sorry you are feeling so unwell, and struggling with all the medication changes too. It does sound confusing, being given different advice and you are in such a difficult position, with being separated from your daughter. I would really encourage you to be open with the staff supporting you, about all your thoughts and feelings. Perhaps, if you can face it, you can keep some kind of diary? just record your general mood, as this can be evidence for those supporting you, about how the medications are affecting you.
You are not a bad mum at all, I can hear how much you are fighting to get well for your daughter, and how much you love your daughter. Though I know it's hard not to feel like that, I felt that so much when I was unwell, and struggling with depression afterwards. But you are going to get better, and will have a normal family life. I have an amazing relationship with my son now, and I know you will too.
I too wondered about asking if your care team can get advice from Dr Ian Jones too, as Lilybeth mentions above. He specialises in PP, but also persistent mood disorders. You would need to be referred by your care team. Here is another link from a different website, for the same service: bdrn.org/cups/ This may be better information to give your clinicians? They may really appreciate the advice from Dr Ian Jones, as it sounds like they are trying different things.
Unfortunately I don't have personal experience of ECT but I have heard from several women that it was helpful so it could be something that could be explored.
I will be thinking of you,
Take care,
Ellie X
Hi Beckles
Sorry to hear you're finding life hard st the moment. Don't worry it will get better, hang on in there.
I'm not a medic but this new drug combination is clearly not working for you so getting a second opinion seems the most sensible way forwards.
Things will get better, whatever your diagnosis - hang on in there hon.
I have bipolar disorder and experienced PP in January - March this year. Right now I am struggling with depression which a lot of other people seem to have too. So keep on being strong and try hard not to beat yourself up for suffering. These feelings will pass and you will be a more compassionate, empathic person when you are better.
Thinking of you, let us know how you get on xx
Hi Arabella thank you for your reply and kind words of support, may I ask did you get diagnosed with bipolar before you had PP? They are saying I may be bipolar because I experienced such a high during my pp...they then put me on antidepressants which they say I would have gone high on if I was Bipolar and that has not happened...I just feel like they are not clear on my diagnosis which is so frustrating! Thanks again for your support xx
Happy Thursday! You sound a tiny bit better today so this sounds like progress to me.
Beckles, I did get diagnosed with bipolar before PP. I have been treated with fluoxetine, citalopram and quetiapine in the past and am currently on sertraline and Olanzapine.
I believe you have to fight for what you need sometimes and dear god if you feel suicidal there is no better time to get a second opinion. It sounds like ECT could well work for you. Come on girl, fight for your happiness, perhaps you could ask to see an alternative psychiatrist and then ask that one for the second opinion so you can see Dr Ian?
Or you could write a formal letter to your psychiatrist asking for the benefit of a second opinion.
I feel so angry for you that your psychiatrist isn't listening.
Let me know what you decide to do, I'm most interested. Xx

Dear Beckles30,
I hope you are ok today, I am thinking about you. I am so sorry to hear you are having such a hard time at the moment. You are going through so much and it sounds like you are fighting hard to get better.
I suffered from severe depression after having postpartum psychosis in 2015. I was on different combinations of antipsychotics and anti-depressants over about 9 months and nothing seemed to be having an effect for me. We sought a second opinion from Prof Ian Jones too and in conversations with my care team, he recommended a course of ECT. You should be guided by your health professionals and Prof Ian Jones, as my diagnosis may be different to yours, but ECT really did work for me. It lifted the dark depression and gave me glimpses of hope that things would get better. It is not a very nice treatment to go through, I have memory loss of that time and I had problems with my short term memory for a few months after the treatment, but it was so worth it for me. Although it has been quite a slow road to recovery, I have continued to get better since then.
I know it is hard to believe, but you are not a bad Mum. I had all the same thoughts. My friends, family and the lovely people on here kept telling me that I wasn’t a bad Mum and that I was just ill. The same goes for you. You are doing the best for your little one by trying to get better, so you can be with her when you are well. I feel sad and guilty for the times that I couldn’t be there for my daughter. However, she is 2 and half now, and things are so different from when I was ill. I never thought I’d see the day when I would enjoy life and spending time with her, but things are so good now. Just keep thinking about that.
Anyway, take care and stay strong, you have come so far already,
Sally xx
Thank you everyone for you kind messages of support, my psychiatrist will not refer me to Prof Ian Jones as she thinks its not necessary at this stage apparently! After a meeting they are now putting me back on quetiapine which didn't agree with me before so that doesn't fill me with much hope....I just desperately want to get out of this depression and feel like the old me again 😪

Hello Beckles30
I'm sorry your psychiatrist thinks it's not necessary to refer you to Prof Jones yet. It must be awful for you to feel so low ..... is there anyone in your family who can speak on your behalf about your care?
I know it must be very hard for you in hospital but try to stay strong and safe. We are all here to support you. It might help to read the ppsoup blog, ppsoup.com with shared experiences. Take really good care of yourself. xx
I suppose it could help in some severe cases. But I would be cautious. Is there no other option . Change of meds. Sometimes a change of setting / going home / getting help can make a world of difference. Depression esp takes time to overcome. I would try prayer first

Hello Beckles30
Just wondering if you are feeling any better on medication? I hope the depression is slowly lifting although it's very challenging.
Take care. xx

Hello Beckles30
I hope you are ok today and a step nearer to going home. Take good care of yourself. xx