Sectioned: I've been sectioned... - Action on Postpar...

Action on Postpartum Psychosis

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cas22 profile image
41 Replies

I've been sectioned. Psychiatrist said I should have been sent here months ago. It's only now I'm away from my baby that I realise how much I miss her. I just wanna go home.

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cas22 profile image
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41 Replies
Ellie_at_APP profile image

Hi cas I'm so sorry to hear you're in hospital. I hope now you'll get the support you need.

Thats really tough, missing your baby and wanting to be home, but perhaps this is a good thing too, that you do feel the love and bond despite being so poorly?

Is there any way you can be in a mother and baby unit? Have they mentioned this at all? I think that they accept mums with babies up to 12 months old, I think your baby is about 8 months if I remember?

What is the hospital like? Is it OK? Are you beginning to build some relationship with staff? Sorry for all the questions!

You will be home cas, you just need that intensive support at the moment, being in hospital will help you get better..

Write here whenever you want. We are here for you. Thinking of you a lot

Ellie Xx

Lilybeth profile image
LilybethVolunteer in reply toEllie_at_APP

Hello cas22

What a shame after all your effort you have had to go into hospital. At least now you will have the care you should have been receiving to help with your depression. I was sectioned to general psychiatric care and I did fully recover.

Hopefully the Psychiatrist and his team will be able to help you with your depression and you can rebuild your strength and confidence. I hope you have support around you.

Take care and please let us know how you are if you have time. We are all with you.

amyfj profile image

Hi Cas,

So sorry to hear that you've been sectioned. It sounds like it could be the first step towards getting the help that you really have needed for a while.

I hear you saying it's difficult being apart from your daughter but if you're anything like I was at the time it will show you the bond that you do have with your daughter that I for one doubted that I had when I was unwell.

I totally echo Ellie's suggestion in that maybe if/when you're up to it getting transferred to a mother and baby unit may be a good step for you. My daughter was with me in an mbu from when she was about 5months to 8 months and although not all of our relatives were approving I definitely think it was best for us.

The help and support the professionals can provide is amazing both from a medical and social point of view. The good thing is you may now be able to get the help you need. And for the mean time maybe try to reflect on each day and the progress you're making towards seeing your daughter again and the many good times with her you have ahead of you.

Try not to hurry things, just take it a day at a time and you'll see a fuller recovery.

Hope that's of some use to you, we're here for you if you need anything at all... Just ask!

All the best for this step on the road to help,


Hannah_at_APP profile image

Hi cas22, I was sorry to hear your update but as others have said, I very much hope that you are now getting good support. I too wonder whether an MBU bed might be possible for you? I know how hard it can be to be away from your little one, I too have memories of a very treasured photo I had with me in those first few weeks where I was in hospital on my own.

We are all thinking of you and wishing you all the very best, take care, xx

cas22 profile image

My baby is 14 months now. So no mbu for us. I have a diagnosis at last psychiatrist said I have untreated pp. The Meds I was on made things worse so I'm being weaned off the Meds and put on new ones. I'm on leave this afternoon to see the kids. I've missed them so much. Hopefully I will be out in a week or two.

Ellie_at_APP profile image
Ellie_at_APPPartner in reply tocas22

Hi cas

Oh goodness me, I was pretty shocked to hear about your misdiagnosis and wrong meds... it must be a relief to get a proper diagnosis and treatment... your psychiatrist sounds very good.

I do hope you have some lovely home visits and you start making good progress with recovery now. Thinking of you xx

Lilybeth profile image

Hello cas22

Thanks so much for your update. I'm really pleased you have a diagnosis; how difficult it must have been all this time with untreated pp and the wrong medication. You have battled your way through and I'm sure your kids were over the moon to see you this afternoon. I think the new, right medication will make all the difference and you will soon be home.

Lovely to hear from you, please keep in touch if you have time.

Hannah_at_APP profile image

hi cas22, thanks for your update. I hope your home leave went well and the change of meds helps move things forward. Take care, we are here for you when you are ready, all the best, xx

Ellie_at_APP profile image

I hope you're doing OK cas, and that your home visit/s have gone well. We're all thinking of you, take care X

Lilybeth profile image

Hello cas

Thinking of you and hope you are ok. Sending you a virtual hug :) xx

Lilybeth profile image

Hello cas22

Just wondering how you are since your last post? I hope you still have support around you and are able to have time out with your children.

Take good care .... we are all thinking of you.

Lilybeth profile image

Hello cas22

How are you now ....... are you still in hospital or at home with support?

Thinking of you. Take good care.

Dear Cas22,

I have been reading the previous messages and hope you are receiving help and support. People on this forum are thinking of you.

Wishing you well and hope you are safe x


Lilybeth profile image

Hello cas22

I really hope you are feeling much better and that you are home with your children.

Take good care.

Lilybeth profile image

Hello cas22

Just wondering how you are. Take care ......

cas22 profile image

I'm getting there thanks. I'm home now and just been discharged from the crisis team so no support anymore. Still having intrusive thoughts but these should fade as the new Meds start to work. Thank you for thinking of me.

Ellie_at_APP profile image
Ellie_at_APPPartner in reply tocas22

HI Cas22,

It's great to hear that you are home, and generally doing better, and that the new meds seem to be working, I hope you continue to improve.

Aren't you under any other mental health team? I can't believe you aren't getting any other support now? Can you ask for something?? I would have thought after everything you've been through, and looking after four children, you would be offered some onging support for a while?

Take care


Lilybeth profile image

Hello cas22

Thanks for taking the time to reply. I'm glad you're home and hope you will feel the benefit of the new meds when they kick in. I also wondered if you should be entitled to more support. Do you still see your care co-ordinator and health visitor? Sometimes it's possible to have help around the house with cleaning, etc although I'm sure your children are a great loving support to you.

I'm glad you're getting there and we'll be here to lean on anytime.

Take good care .... you've come such a long way.......... :)

cas22 profile image

I'm supposed to be getting help from social services but they said I won't get a social worker till after the new year. Not sure what help they will be providing tho.

Lilybeth profile image

Hello cas22

It doesn't seem fair that you have to wait for support. It can't be easy for you coping with your children and the effects of your new medication. I hope when you do have a social worker in the new year she will be able to find lots of help for you, which you are entitled to.

Take good care.

Reposting1 profile image

Life is not an easy journey ,

We all come here to learn , I'm sure that the love you feel for your baby will still be there when you're feeling better and reunited with that little soul who will be there waiting for you .

Love and patience wins over all on our journey

Hannah_at_APP profile image

Hi cas22,

Good to hear your update. I hope that you have managed to have some quiet time to relax and recuperate in the busy-ness of Christmas, which I hope was a special time for your family. I too have been thinking of you, and it's a shame that social services have not put something in place sooner. I hope that in the new year things come together better for you, perhaps if you have an idea of things that you would like them to help with, such as social interaction or help around the house? It might not be the same, but I know in my 2nd pregnancy when I had a social worker to support me as a link to the CMHT, they offered some practical help at home if I had needed it.

I hope the new year brings you peace and recovery and that things continue to go well for you in 2017. Take care, xx

Lilybeth profile image

Hello cas22

Thinking of you. Do you have a social worker now? I hope they will be able to provide the support you need at home.

Try not to worry, though I know it's not easy. I hope the new medication has kicked in and is making a difference. We are all here for you.

cas22 profile image

Thanks for thinking of me. No social worker yet. But saw psychiatrist yesterday and he put up my venlafaxine. I said I was getting frustrated that I'm not better yet and he reminded me that as I went undiagnosed for 15 months it will probably take that long to get better. I'm now on aripriprazole, venlafaxine and mitazapine. Think they working already.

Lilybeth profile image

Hello cas22

Thanks for taking the time to reply. I'm glad your psychiatrist has reviewed your medication and it seems to be working already. You have done really well to struggle for so long without being diagnosed so you should be really proud that you are now making progress, slowly but surely.

Hopefully the social worker will be able to suggest ways to help and you won't have to wait much longer. Take it easy ..... don't rush to be well. Your children must be so proud of their amazing mum. :)

Hannah_at_APP profile image

hi cas22, good to hear from you 😊 It's good to hear that you have had a meds review and can perhaps feel some benefits already. Hang in there, you're doing great and you'll get to where you want to be. Take care, xx

Lilybeth profile image

Helo cas22

I hope you are still feeling the benefit of the medications. Do you have a social worker now to help you at home?

Take good care of yourself.

cas22 profile image

I have a social worker but I've no idea who it is. Got a chill in need review next Monday and should hopefully meet my new social worker then. Thanks for asking.

Lilybeth profile image

Hello cas22

I hope when you meet your social worker next Monday she will have a plan to help you after you have waited so long. You have done really well without support so perhaps things might be easier for you in time.

Good to hear from you ...... take care.

Ellie_at_APP profile image

Hi Cas 22

I too hope the social worker is helpful. I can't believe the lack of support you've received apart from your psychiatrist. How are you doing day to day? I hope you are managing and generally feeling better than you were, and coping with everything? I hope you are beginning to enjoy some things too, and time with your children?

We are here whenever you want to write

Take care X

Lilybeth profile image

Hello cas22

I hope the review went well and you met your Social Worker today. Hopefully you will now have the support and advice you have needed for so long.

We are all here for you .... take care.

cas22 profile image

Meeting was cancelled. No new meeting has been arranged. So i still have no help. Ive given up on getting help now. I cant cope kids better off without me.

Lilybeth profile image

Hello cas22

It's shameful the way Social Services have not had the meeting today which you were depending on. I know you have been discharged but can you contact the crisis team for help? You have been so strong for the sake of your kids so just hold on. Half term is not far away so that will give you a break from routine.

Stay safe and take care.

Ellie_at_APP profile image

Hi cas I too am shocked you aren't getting any help. I cant believe youre getting no support from a mental health team. You have been doing amazing to recover so far and manage back home with little support.

Remember as well you have the added stress of the pregnancy. It's really essential you get support. I wondered too if you can contact crisis team, or your GP?

Do you have friends or family you can call to be with you?

You are a good mum, you have just been poorly.

Take care write whenever you need to x

Jenny_at_APP profile image

Hello cas22,

I'm so sorry you've been let down. You really should be getting more support.

Please don't lose hope, and do keep yourself safe. I too hope you have people you can call on to be with you. If you need the crisis team and can't call them directly, there will be access through your GP out of hours service I'm sure, if you need it.

Your kids aren't better off without you. You're going through such a difficult time right now, do lean on us and any support you have.

Thinking of you xx

Hannah_at_APP profile image

Hi again cas22,

None of this is your fault and you have been let down so badly! It really makes me so cross to hear it. As others have said, please call on the Crisis team or via Out of Hours if you feel you need to. The Samaritans are also there to listen, any time of the day or night: their free number is 116 123

If you feel you can, I would contact the social worker or whoever cancelled the meeting and say that you are in need of a new date. I used to find that pestering people gave me a focus when I was struggling to get mental health involved, although I know it can be hard going and disheartening at times.

We are here for you, please take care, and hug your children tight - you can do this for them, and for yourself, you will come out the other end in time. Take care, thinking of you, xx

Lilybeth profile image

Hello cas22

I was reading your thread from a few months ago and it seems awful that all the support you had has gone. You wrote that you had great support from your care co-ordinator, GP, health visitor and two support workers, one for your children and one for you.

The last time you contacted your GP he asked the crisis team to call you. Is it possible you can ask him to do this again? Try to book a double appointment to explain how much you have been let down, or ask him to call you back.

Also can you ask your ex mum-in-law to help with the baby as she did before? Or if not ring your friend who you meet sometimes? Also you mentioned your daughter's school is aware of your struggle as your daughter is a Young Carer for you so they might be able to help in some way.

Try to be strong and fight for the care you and your family need, probably starting with your G.P who can put things in motion. You need lots of support around you at such a stressful time.

Stay safe and take care. We are here for you.

Lilybeth profile image

Hello cas22

Just wondering how you are and whether you have been offered any support now?

The Easter break is not far away so I hope you will manage to rest a little. Take good care.

cas22 profile image
cas22 in reply toLilybeth

Hi thanks for thinking of me. I have a support worker now Who i see once a week. I see gp weekly and i have a social worker whos put the kids on a child in need plan and They have been referred to young carers. So things are finally coming togetherat last and im getting loadsof support.

Lilybeth profile image

Hello cas22

Thank you for taking the time to reply. I'm really pleased that things are finally coming together after struggling without much support. I hope things continue to get better for you and you can relax a little.

Take good care of yourself ..... you're an amazing mum :)

Ellie_at_APP profile image

Hi Cas

It was good to read your update and to hear that finally you are receiving good support with a support worker and social worker, and support for the children as well. I cannot believe they discharged you from hospital without any support, that is shocking.

I hope that you continue to recover now, so glad things are coming together for you. Take care X

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