Has anyone found they have put on a lot of wieght after PP and being put on medication ?
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Wieght gain

Hello Kirstielou09
As I think I mentioned before in a previous reply in another thread, my PP episodes were a long time ago but I did put on weight as I was on various medications.
I'm not sure if you have looked around the site but there is a post from Scissorsister a few weeks ago asking about such an issue. There were several replies so you might find this post helpful for support.
If you have put on weight your GP might be able to advise you. At some surgeries they have weight management sessions with a nurse, so this might be something to look into.
Take care.

Hi Kirstielou09,
My PP episode was a long time ago. I gained a lot of weight when I started on Lithium about 18 months post PP. I gained about three stone in six months. Every now and then I manage to lose a couple of stone and then I put it back on! Sometimes I feel bad about my weight and then I think the most important thing is to be well. It`s something I have to be in the right frame of mind for to lose weight and I tend to put more weight on if I feel stressed. Lately I have tried to cut down on certain things and must admit I feel much less tired and a lot better.
Good luck and don`t worry, I keep telling myself being well is what matters but if it bothers you, it may be worth talking to your GP or nurse for advice.
Take care,
Sarah x
Hi Kirstielou09
Yes I have gained weight both time following PP. Whether this was because I have Bi-polar and I have had years of depression I don't know? I know through my depression I have comfort eaten. However having a baby changes your shape anyhow and although I don't like being overweight I have excepted who I am, please don't worry too much as a healthy happy mind is the most important thing.
I have gained around three stone taking me from healthy bmi to obese. I'm desperately unhappy with it but I can't stop eating!
One of the side effects of many of the available drugs for sufferers of PP is weight gain. There are alternative drugs without weight gain as a side effect -you should discuss the alternatives with your psychiatrist as they might not be the best drug for dealing with the illness. Abilify is one anti-psychotic which doesn't have weight gain as a side effect.

I did put on some weight on the anti psychotic but I'm not sure how much of that was side effects of the meds, or just the state of mind I was in at the time, as some of you have said comfort eating etc, and not having the energy to exercise or go out much.
I would agree though that feeling well, and feeling better within yourself, is the most important thing in recovery, the physical exercise / dealing with weight gain can come a bit later, though I know that the two can be linked in terms of weight gain affecting self esteem etc and then making you feel more down.
It is really important to follow professionals advice re medication. Each person reacts differently to different anti psychotics and so changing anti psychotic may have a big effect. For example I know the first anti psychotic I was put on just made my psychotic symptoms much worse to the point they said I had some kind of reaction / allergy to it.
Take care all

I also just wanted to direct anyone who has questions about their meds etc, and side effects to this website choiceandmedication.org/ncmh/ which has excellent information about all medication taken for mental health including how they work, side effects etc. It is really good, accurate information, with also advice about how to cope with the side effects.
I can tell you that I have lost weight since reducing my dose of Epilim (Sodium Valproate) just from 700mg to 500mg daily. I lost 2 kgs without noticing
Will be curious what my body does if/when I ease off the last of the Epilim?!