Hello,Late night post here but this thought does seem to pop up still..
I'm three years down the line from my Postpartum Psychosis experience, and I'm wondering if anyone else gets this feeling sometimes.
I love my daughter an unconditional amount, she is what keeps me going every day and I will always do my best for her always!
But a thought pops up where I think things like 'is she mine?' 'how am I a mum?' 'how do I have a daughter?'
And sometimes I feel like more of an auntie in my head, but I'm a mother.
It's really hard to put it into words. But sometimes I feel distant towards her, almost in autopilot mode (single mother too, so the daily load is a lot).
I'm wondering if it's to do with those early months with having PPP. I do think my bond with her was affected a lot due to this. I still feel like this robbed me of my first year with her.
As after the PPP went away, I was left in a depressive haze of 'what just happened ?!', trying to navigate life after it with a newborn was hard! I really lost myself for a long time and struggled so much with motherhood.
Perhaps this is why I still can't get my head around the fact she is my daughter?
Anyways.. I'm rambling now, but I would be interested to hear others thoughts on this!
Thank you 😊