Hi having a bad day husband keeps hurting ... - Anxiety Support

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Hi having a bad day husband keeps hurting me with all my other things happening he knows people in the past have hit me don't understand

amandaj profile image
20 Replies
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amandaj profile image
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20 Replies

Are you ok? Can you come back online and talk about it more,sure you will get some understanding and help here.

amandaj profile image

Yeah just don't know what to do he grabs my arms out of temper have PTSD he know I am finding things hard calls me strange and a wierdo

ellabella profile image

Whatever he "thinks" you are is no excuse to lay a hand on you Amandaj. Look love, it's true that unless you have been there you can not understand anxiety, but that is no excuse for violence. I will tell you what to do, and that is report him, and ask him to leave. If he won't , then you must. This illness is hard enough without being physically hurt as well. I know because I have been there and thought I could cope , but it made me so much worse. You can get through this and I'm sure you will

Love and Hugs x Ella x

amandaj profile image
amandaj in reply to ellabella

He won't go and I don't think I am strong enough leave at the moment stay in my bedroom most days my son attacked me my daughter tried to stab me so finding things hard


No one & I repeat no one has any right to lay a finger on you !

Seems as if everyone thinks they can abuse you , AND THEY CAN NOT !

You need to report this to the police , you really do , they will help you or phone samaritans , you will find no in phone book

Please I urge you to get help

Let us no how you go on love

Thinking about you

whywhy xxx

amandaj profile image
amandaj in reply to

I did report the incident about my son my daughter has problems herself tried lots of time to get help for her but can only do so much after that I did leave home have tried to sort things out with my son and daughter love them but still find it hard to forgive them


I understand you can love someone your kids but you dont have to like them at the moment & especially the way they have treated you

You say your daughter is not well , just how bad her illness is I dont no , but it is still no excuse to abuse you , you are not well but you dont go around physically abusing others ?

Every one on here has problems & hope I can speak for us all , but we dont physically abuse others , this does not make it right what your family are doing to you

Have you been to your GP & opened up to what is happening at home , there is help out there hun , no one has to live this way , please dont give up asking for it

Dont blame yourself for not been able to forgive , that may come later , now you have to help yourself , go & speak with your GP

whywhy xxx

amandaj profile image
amandaj in reply to

Thankyou for your kind word I have been to the doctor been on tablets waiting to see someone at the hospital x

in reply to amandaj

Its good to hear you have been to GP , did you tell them how things were at home ? if not i really would let them no they can help

Hope it wont be long hun before your hospital appointment comes through & when it does again please tell them exactly how things are , dont be afraid , they wont judge you

Keep using this site & ,you will get through this

You may suffer with anxiety etc but you deserve respect , same as everyone else . please remember that

whywhy xxx

amandaj profile image

I did tell the doc about the problems I should of got help years ago for the PTSD but all you seem to hear from the doctor's how long you have to wait for treatment at the hospital had this for 20 years now maybe I would of be more able to deal with the problems now

in reply to amandaj

I no it must seem that no one is listening to you , everyone lstens on here though

With all the support here I hope you will feel you can keep asking & telling them till they do listen as I agree you should have had more help before now

Keep telling them , dont give up , some of the posts on here others have had bad GP'S stopped in same surgery but seen a different GP who has actually listened to them , maybe this is something you could do ?

You are no longer alone on here

whywhy xxx

ellabella profile image

No you are not alone love, Whywhy is giving excellent advice and I urge you to take it because you need to get better love......you deserve much more than abuse x Ella x

BriarRose profile image

Amanda, hun, you DO NOT DESERVE to be abused because you're ill, and you DO NOT have to be alone - there are women's refuges where you would also get the support/counselling/protection you need to get well again.

Look on this site, 24-hr helpline:- refuge.org.uk/

Good luck, hun, you do not have to put up with this!

Lots of love



dorset profile image

amanda,please dont allow this behavouir they have no respect for your present illness,put your self first get out get help if you stay it will make you worse.!

leehow79 profile image

I totaly understand wot ur goin through sweetie + especialy wen were not emotionaly stable but u willnever get better whilst still under sufference. can u not go in a refuge, i know this is scary ( was brought up in them) but wots the alternative. i really do blieve u hav 2 go through anxiety/mental illness 2 understand the effects it had on u. ive had a brkdwn since end of september, not bin able 2 find a med i can tolerate, plus really still in square 1. Crisis team + mental hlth hav said im 2 vunerable yet 2 hav any therapy (cbt + phycopherapy), hav had 2 leave my partner + my 14yr old autistic daughter + come + stay wiv my mum. kills me 2 b apart frm daughter as shes always bin my life, my all, my everythin. the reason i had the brkdwn was on top of never endin crap my daughter was havin emotional problems, found her wiv a tie round her neck + was told has autism amongst a lot of other things happenin, this wiv my daughtet came as a real shock it was 1 thing puttin up wiv the crap ive put up wiv all my life but 2 find out this about my daughter all overnight killed me + i finaly cracked so hav bin at my mums 4 about 2 + a half mnth went 2 visit my partner lst night + he was givin me greif sayin it doesnt look like im ever gonna get better + am never gonna come home, was bein really cruel + nasty, couldnt blieve he was bein like this, not my fault i had a brkdwn + am sensitive 2 meds, hence the lng time tryin 2 find 1 i can tolerate so i can take the 1st steps 2 recovery. couldnt blieve he was bein so cruel so i do understand wot ur goin through + hav bin through terrible voilence + domestic abuse, so plse i know how hard it is 2 find the courage especialy bein under pressure anyway but u cant carry on like this. u will not get better whilst sufferin abiuse. is they any1 u can stay wiv, maybe a relative or friend but plse dnt suffer in silence. let us know how u get on. hope u get hlp cant put up wiv it. also is they any1 else u can talk 2. plse tell som1. wiv kindest regards leeanne.x

crissy10 profile image
crissy10 in reply to leehow79

Hey Leanne you are one true true brave lady....and I sincerely mean that from the very bottom of my heart. Your breakdown will be your turning point.

Violence in a supposed loving relationship simply kills love

If we start to love ourselves again, our love can kill the hate.

The two can not live together in true peace.

Any man or woman in a violent relationship has got to get out and stay out???

I have just left a man who I truly believed would have killed me and I have not looked back...Anytime you are having a crap day or moment...get on here and write it down

Keep going girl...there really are some lovely guys out there and one day love will find you again and when that man holds your hand in a quiet moment with truth and kindness and patience and strength you will remember my words


leehow79 profile image
leehow79 in reply to crissy10

Hi alison, i meant ive bin brought up wiv voilence + sin a lot of stuff. ive bin im my relationship wiv my partner for 15yrs, doesnt hit me, blieve me after wot ive bin through i wouldnt put up wiv it, hes really nice most of time but then somtimes pops up this nasty side, like lst nite i cldnt blieve how cruel he was bein 2 his partner whos goin through a brkdwn. hav bin through more crap in my 33yrs than most people + am normaly very strong so its all new + very scary 2 me this nervous illness + am really syruglin 2 cope wiv it. sat ere petrified 4 no reason... hope u r well + thanku 4 ur kind words, lreanne.x

hairyfairy profile image

I know what your`e going through because I was bullied at school, then I would go home & get smacked around by my dad if he came home from work in a bad mood. Just because theyr`e family doesn`t mean that you have to stay put & tolerate this treatment. I left home as soon as I was old enough, & if I was you I would just pack a bag & leave them & not tell anyone were your`e going in case they track you down & try to talk you into coming back.

crissy10 profile image
crissy10 in reply to hairyfairy

PS going to the Police and making a statement to be kept on record about the abuser, can and will no doubt help other women in the future??

Lets remember Clare's Law...(Young lass killed in Salford/Manchester due to domestic violence) and her father campaigned extremely hard to get this law in place to help any victim of domestic violence.

If we have experienced mental abuse or/and violence...go to your local Police and get it all written down. WE must use Clare's Law - which gives us info on a partners past????

An Abuser will just carry on to the next partner.

A violent partner can now be banned from his/her home??

I know this can feel like a damned huge step, especially when we feel like crap, havn't a penny in our purse, kids to think about and have truly lost hope but

violence can get you killed

Please reach out and get out away from this person....you matter, you truly doxx

michellec23 profile image

Hi get out the realationship is there no family you can go live with or supportive friends. It will be the best think you can do is to leave and mayb it might make your kids treat you a bit better abd it will show them you have repect for your self to go and not be treated that way my mum was in vilonet relationship with my dad and was viloent to us kids to. It annoys me till thi dag my mum didnt have the courage sooner to leave my dad was the same he used to say hd would never leave. Abd i dont think it get any better if you dont get him out or you go

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