Taking a step back may seem cruel, but som... - Anxiety Support

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Taking a step back may seem cruel, but sometimes its very much needed.

5 Replies

Taking a step back may seem cruel, but sometimes its very much needed.

5 Replies

Hi. lou. Yes indeed! There are times instead of pushing oneself one needs to rest. Do nothing. Give up all the desire to do anything and just flop out. A mental and physical rest.

We do often force ourselves and the energy required to do this is not what we can afford.

So buy yourself a box of chocs. (even a glass of wine helps) and do what Dr. Weekes in her book calls 'nerping'. Time off. Love and best wishes. jonathan.

Pickle165 profile image

Hi,definately.....we go though so meny physical and mental emotions and feelings that we need to remember to give ourselfs a break. x

Pennylayne profile image

Yes indeed, as I have found when it all got to the point where I couldn't function in anything like a 'normal' way, I've had a day at home by myself and done nothing at all. It's easy to underestimate the effort required to be 'normal' on a daily basis and how exhausting it is.

ellabella profile image

Hi Lou! you alright love? It's a beautiful day today! I hope your heart is warm and your toes!You have to look after yourself Lou and I'm so glad you realise that. Much Love xxxxxx

Hi Ellabella. I am not too bad thanks. How are you today? Just having a lazy weekend. Hope you are doing the same. Its hard to take a back seat, but it needs to be done.

Love Lou. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx