Burning feet, cramping legs, tremors. - Anxiety Support

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Burning feet, cramping legs, tremors.

Hardluck profile image
10 Replies

Neurologist give me a clean bill of heath the other day despite my legs and feet being a total mess. Nerve conduction test was fine. Was told to take it easy. Caves are cramping, feet and legs are burning, twitching, tingling, numbness, tremors (not visible). Blood work looks fine, tyroid also. No signs of Vitamin/mineral deficiencies. Of course it's difficult to do anything but think of the pain I'm in. Perhaps it's the gabapentine I started three weeks ago, I'm scared and at my wits end.

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Hardluck profile image
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10 Replies
Cicinoodle profile image

are you jogging or on a treadmill? Think what you could be doing to cause this first, could be something simple... Even poor fitting shoes.

Anxiety can cause burning feet

Anxiety is felt literally from head to toe. People don't really think of the feet as a place that they are affected by anxiety, but the reality is that foot discomfort is actually a very common anxiety symptom, and one that can even cause significant distress. Relax...Do not fear. Peace to you!

Funkyfaerie profile image
Funkyfaerie in reply to Cicinoodle

Yes I get burning tingling on the soles of my feet, I think it's due to tense leg/hip muscles. Definitely anxiety, although it does seem kinda weird!

Katlinma78 profile image

All of that sounds like it could be anxiety related. It is good news that that they haven't found anything serious on you test results. Pain is massively affected by the brain's processing of it, which is affected by anxiety etc the more you think and worry about the pain the worse it will seem...

Dizzykitty profile image

I got those symptoms as a delayed reaction to having taken a short course of a Fluoroquinolone antibiotic (Cipro, then a short course of Avelox--same family) and before I learned the cause, the docs also tested me for all kinds of things and the tests were also all normal. The tests are not geared to recognize antibiotic toxicity as the culprit when that's what is causing it. Did you by any chance take an antibiotic before your symptoms started? One thing that helps me is taking a magnesium supplement. It's best to avoid NSAIDs, i.e. ibuprofen, and also steroids of any kind. The less drugs of any kind the better. IF you did take one of the antibiotics, there is a helpful web site called Floxiehope.com with lots of good info.

Jeff1943 profile image

Hardluck, not only is it reassuring that you got the ok from the medical tests, it's a clear indication that your pains are caused by anxiety. Anxiety over a long period of time leads to the sensitisation of your nervous system so there's every reason to believe that the pains in your feet, legs and calves are indeed caused by anxiety. The nearest thing to an instant fix is to ask you doctor for a short course of tranquilisers, medications have their place in recovery but are not the long term permanent answer.

It doesn't matter now what caused the anxiety in the first place, now the cause of your suffering is the pains themselves which cause you anxiety which causes more pains which causes more anxiety, and so the circle rolls on and on under self perpetuating momentum. There is a simple way to stop it, Hardluck, to break the vicious circle but although it's simple to understand and has worked for hundreds if thousands of anxiety sufferers during the past 50 years it takes perseverance and time.

This method is called Acceptance, if you just accept the pains as a temporary problem, I'm talking genuine acceptance, then you stop adding second fear to first fear - and eventually you break the vicious circle of pain causing anxiety causing more pain and you starve the pains of the anxiety that produces them.

I know it's easy fir me to say that but I can remember having calf pains like you (among other symptoms) some 40 years ago and I learned how Acceptance heals this problems because I was lucky enough to come across a book, the same book that so many people on thid forum have found so very helpful. It's written by Doctor Claire Weekes and it's called 'Self help with your nerves' or in the U.S. 'Hope and help with your nerves' available from Amazon and if you're not feeling flush you can buy a used copy from them for just a rew pounds/dollars.

Hardluck, I promise you that you can recover from your problems and I commend this book to you which will show you the path to recovery. It is written in simple terms, nothing scientific, Doctor Weekes suffered from anxiety disorder herself when she was young. It will add to the reassurance that you've already received from your doc - and take you through the method that brings recovery. What's to lose? Good luck to you in your fight to reclaim your life and health.

Hardluck profile image
Hardluck in reply to Jeff1943

I actually have two copies of the book! Thank you for your response and your time everyone. that's probably the hardest thing for me to do, except all of the somatic pain and sensations as just anxiety. I have a spinal MRI after Christmas, if that comes clear, I'm throwing in the towel!

I will face it, I will Acept it. I have no other options. God Bless and Merry Christmas from Ontario, Canada.

JP1954 profile image

Try reflexology. Lots of positive feedback from friends.

Katlinma78 profile image

The great thing is that once a out accept it and stop worrying about it it will gradually get better :-) Mindfulness might be something to try too? Best wishes for Christmas! :-)

dawners profile image

I feel ya man i feel like im wasting so much money on doctors to figure out nothing

Harzee profile image

Did you figure out what is wrong? Was it anxiety? I am having the same things...from Canada too...

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