Ugh. : Depressed as ever tonight. Any... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Depressed as ever tonight. Any words of encouragement?

5 Replies

Hi Molly

What time is it where you are?

Are you able to take a short walk ? Make a hot drink? Read something lighthearted?

Remind yourself that you are :

Precious and Loved

Remind yourself that you are God's beautiful creation.

Can you think of 5 things to be thankful for?


Can you walk?

Do you have sight?

Do you have access to clean water?

Do you have a roof over your head?


Keep reminding yourself how Precious you are and that:

this too will pass.

God Bless x

That makes two of us. I was reading a post about hope. Theres always hope it said. Why is it so hard to believe and trust in hope? This feeling sucks. I guess some encouragement if it helps would be that we are not alone even when we feel so alone. Theres always someone out there feeling maybe just about the same.

MrZee profile image

How about a hot bubble bath with candles and soothing music? Just a comforting thought.

Hi Molly, just following up on you. We have to keep reminding ourselfs that its not a bad life, just a bad day. We always have a choice. So its up to us to pick our selfs up and do something, anything is better than the deep, dark place we are in. I chose today to do something and not stay in that ugly place. And you?

SuZQ154 profile image

Hi Hidden! Congratulations! Your post to Molly is an indication you are choosing to move forward!

"Choosing joy" is NOT easy. We wake up in the morning and think just what you said. UGH! We wish we would say, "Isn't it great to be alive!" But that is not what we are feeling!

I have learned to say to myself, "Just get started". I tell myself you can stop if you can't do it, but just start. I do that especially with exercise and my morning devotional. Inevitably, once I start I keep going. Both exercise and my devotionals start my day on the right foot! It is HARD to just start sometimes but I am learning not to talk myself out of either:) I am intentionally ignoring my feelings and JUST starting:)

Hope this helps!

Blessings to you today!

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