Hey guys my anxiety has reappeared my doctor up my meds but still im feeling that wave ,not sure if because i was upset about somethings a few days ago but pray for me I want peace from this .....
Pray for me guys : Hey guys my anxiety... - Anxiety and Depre...
Pray for me guys

Hi erica2017, thirteen days ago, you were in a good place and it will happen again for you. (This too shall pass) Even when feeling good, anxiety is just a thought away waiting for it's opportunity to rear it's ugly head once more. Recognizing what causes your anxiety to flare is a big help. If you accept anxiety as not physically harmful but a product of your imagination, you can and will get through this once more. Upping your medication takes a little time to reach full efficacy levels which will calm both your mind and body. More than about medication is the way you think about your anxious state.
Use the forum as a sounding board and support system while waiting for the med to work. My "go to" is YouTube. Using Meditation, Mindfulness and DeepBreathing several times a day can put you in a more relaxed state and work with your medication. If the trigger is an ongoing issue, then talk therapy can benefit you as well.
Erica, hang in there. You are not alone, we are right next to you walking the walk with you xx
Thanks so much, yes I was doing well ,then my mom and I got into it about my anxiety she thought that i should be able to drive in the left lane and I think thats what took me back ,my family think i can just make my anxiety can just go away i tried to tell then its doesn't work that way..
Oh this ugly disease, I'm sorry you're going through this again. Know that this will pass, fight the good fight for you! I'm here for you. Love, peace, light, joy & hugs!!!

Thank u so much

My anxiety went out of control almost 4 weeks ago; what a roller coaster ride. Was pretty bad all day today but has finally calmed down. Had a breakdown 2 years ago & was doing pretty good until now. Am starting therapy & trying to apply what I learned in cognitive behavioral therapy; it worked before & probably will work again, but I'm feel too tired to try again. I'm 65 & just don't want to fight this the rest of my life. Am not ready to give up yet though, and talking to people on this site helps the extreme loneliness.
Yes i have my ups and downs also and i agree talking to people here helps me alot . I dont want to go through this for ever either so im praying it away and i have been trying to walk to keep relax my self i plan on getting a exercise bike to use at home for the times i cant get out and walk but i find when i exercise it helps alot .. praying for you and all hear that we get peace with this illness 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
I too struggle with anxiety. Unfortunately some days it is worse than others. God is my constant foundation and source of comfort. I will join with you in prayer for peace and wisdom for your Doctor.

Yes praying for peace, and understanding!!!
I’m sorry, I know the struggle. I’ve had to have my husband drive me to work the past two days because of anxiety. He’s not thrilled.

Yes family dont understand i get alot of attitude, they help but then i get alot of negative responses and you need to just do it from them and when i say you dont understand unless you been through it they try to relate... but not with understanding but trying to say i should just go for drive and not think about it easy said then done smh praying daily for understanding..
Exactly!! I hear it all the time
Prayers are with you. Lots and lots of them.
I believe your family is doing the best they can. No, they haven't got a clue about what you need. They are only pulling from what they know, which isn't right for you. You HAVE depression. You aren't just a little depressed. A solution may be to find a professional or a support group. They are our best hope for support when family are ill equipped to do it. We are a good support group.
Going for a drive IS a pretty good piece of advice, but only a tiny one. Perhaps better overall, is finding one area where tiny improvements in an area really important to us, can be made when addressed on a regular basis. Taking tiny steps is really great progress for us. And, if we regress, it's not failure. It's a learning experience. Were the steps too big? Do I need to sleep better? Did I let others discourage me? Etc. It helps when you're doing something positive for yourself on your terms. I wouldn't share this with anyone. They can pooh pooh it, tell you how to do it, nag you. Not helpful. You are the only one to make these decisions.
'Nuf soap box.
Please let me know if this helps.
Love and prayers
I’m praying for you Erica. I know it’s so draining but it will pass. You aren’t alone. Just hang on. You can do it.
Thank you 🙂Its getting better just hate that it goes away then when i think im getting better something trigger it off ,I think i know what the trigger was this time ....