Hello all, just wanted to get your thoughts on taking apixaban (which I do twice a day at 8.30am and 8.30pm) when going on holiday and coping with a 4 hour time difference (4 hours ahead). It's really not realistic or feasible for me to take my apixaban at 12.30am as I'm not a night owl. Any thoughts or experiences of this please? Many thanks
Taking apixaban on holiday with a 4 h... - Anticoagulation S...
Taking apixaban on holiday with a 4 hour time difference

I don't suppose it matters if you shift them back an hour or 90- minutes at a time. Have a wonderful holiday!

I advise to take at the time of the place you go to. Just change the times. But try not to leave yourself uncovered for hours. Better overlap than have 8 hours with no cover.
Interesting question. My only experiences so far have been to work on local time. I have been overseas four or five times with varying time changes. I took Apixiban at regular time locally. I didn't notice any negative effects so didn't really think about it. Wear flight socks and take an aspirin before the flight I would suggest too. And walk around if long haul . Otherwise have a safe journey and a lovely holiday.
I’m sorry, I’d advise against taking aspirin unless prescribed by your doctor. You are on an anticoagulant and that will only increase your bleeding risk. I strongly advise against aspirin and anticoagulants unless advised by a cardiologist/vascular surgeon
Speak to your GP
I have traveled while taking it both 1 and 2 times a day in incredibly different timezones. I honestly always double up on the day I fly. So for you, let's say you leave at 8am on the day of the flight, I would then take the evening one at 9 or 10pm local time where you land so that you have a couple hours overlap. I have overlapped by as much as 6 hours and haven't had a problem, though I would absolutely 100% take MORE than needed rather than wait. Some people are prescribed a higher dosage just on flight days anyways, so that is definitely the preferred choice. And then from that point, take it on local time. Do the same thing when returning in order to get back on your local time. Just make sure you aren't ever without it.
Since you take it 2x a day though, the purpose of that is so that you are never without it in your system at any point, even if you forgot your second dose entirely, but that also probably means you have recently had clotting, in which case I would still never want to miss even a second daily dose.
Thank you all for your comments, they have been really helpful!
I travel regularly to an area with a two hour time difference. I adjust the time gradually by an hour, or two. If I miss a dose, I take it as soon as I remember. Apixaban 2.5, twice a day when travelling. My GP advises not to stress too much over a missed dose.
Morning, have you had a word with your pharmacist ? My pharmacist is a "font of knowledge" when it comes to medication. If it is a while before your holiday, can you start compensating now by gradually moving the time of your medication. I sometimes can't take my evening dose at 10pm and take it up to 1.5 hours later; not noticed any side-effects. If you GP is telling you not to fret, then take his advice. I have researched Apixaban and tooth extraction and it seems to suggest that missing a dose has no adverse effects. Confession! I have sometimes forgotten to take my morning dose and I am still here. Have a lovely holiday
Just re-read the blogs and realized it is a "contributor" who has had a word with GP who recommends not to fret. Could you have a word with your GP?
I also take 2 a day, but not that strict on times. I travel abroad quite a lot & just make sure I try & remember to take one in the morning & one in the evening. I often forget, so just take it when I remember. Been on them a few years now since being diagnosed with a blood clot in the leg.
Happy holiday. 😊