Following an ECG which unexpectedly showed I had AF, I was prescribed 5mg Apixaban twice daily.
I have been taking these for 9 weeks and in that time I have suffered 13 severe headaches and almost as many mild headaches. Treatment started at about the same time as the hay fever season and I thought I was suffering from a bad season. However, the last headache was so bad that my wife had to take me to A&E.
Here, I found headaches are a very common side effect of Apixaban, even though I had read the enclosed leaflet very carefully.
I had already given up on Apixaban two day earlier. The A&E doctor agreed this was the right thing to do and then prescribed an almost similar drug. River something I'm sure peeps on here know what I am talking about.
I am not going to take that... yet.
So here you have it.
I am an ex-firefighter.
Always stayed fit.
Non smoker.
Minimal drinker - a couple of nightcaps once or twice a week.
Stretch and cross-train every morning.
But because I have AF which I was unaware of until this ECG I am put on a drug which has devastated my life. I would rather die than carry on in the way that the last nine weeks have been.
The A&E doctor told me I am low risk of stroke ie AF and 74 years old.
To be honest I am quite frightened of this new drug as the side effects look possibly worse than the apixaban.
I see it as (at this time) low risk of stroke versus almost certain life changing side effects.
I recently had a CT scan and I am waiting for the results from that. When I have discussed these results I may be more amenable to an anticoagulant but not apixaban!
Any opinions?