I am male aged 83 just diagnosed with af taking 60 m Edoxaban has anyone else suffered with lightheadeness mood swings and lethargy or is it just because I am new to the treatment any help would be appreciated
Deathcard: I am male aged 83 just... - Anticoagulation S...
Hello, I’m afraid I cant answer your question but the folks on the AF forum (on healthunlocked) may be able to.
Best wishes to you and hour loved ones.
Hi, light headed Ness and lethargy are two of the common 1:10 side effects. I have had some BP issues since the swop from Clopidogrel to EDOXABAN which I have been taking now for 6 weeks. I also had very focused calf muscle aches in the first week. As part of the large clinical overview of EDOXABAN prescribing you should get a special phone call within 4 weeks of starting from your pharmacist asking you specifically about side effects. Do take the opportunity to share this information and seek feedback, especially on the mood swings.My explanation of my side effects , and what I would call sluggishness over the last week, has been related to hydration levels, needing to remember to take more fluids.
My GP also advised a baseline bloods check too, have you had this? Perhaps it would be worth having a telephone appt with hour GP to review where you are. Your bloods may offer an explanation and off setting remedy.
As ever you have to balance the benefits of being on Edoxaban. The new prescribing advice from NICE is expected to reduce deaths from strokes by 6500 over the next two years. Lethargic or dead? And reducing strokes by 22000. No stroke or the impacts of surviving a stroke?
Hello, so tricky as reactions are very individual. Started with Rivaroxaban and had very bad side effects directly, light headedness, gut/appetite issues, short fuse mood wise, debilitating lower back pain.
After a few months swapped to Apixaban and side effects reduced alas still suffer with daily back pain some ‘snappyness’ and possibly some lightheaded but this could also be other medication.
Maybe discuss the alternatives in this family of medications with your doctor? I believe apixaban is meant to both give a more even protection due to being a twice daily medication and hopefully less side effects. All the best
I'm not a lot of help, I'm afraid.
But I have been told to avoid brassica, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, broccoli and spinach. I was told they were too high in vitamin K.
All the best.