I’m quite concerned at the moment as I’ve been taking Apixaban but said I wanted to go back on Warfarin due to side effects! Anyway las week I started Warfarin again but was told to stay on Apixaban too! I started getting strange effects such as feeling unwell bit sickly but the strangest thing is tingling in my fingers! They feel almost like cramps! Has anyone else had anything like this please? Thanks for your help.
Back on Warfarin : I’m quite concerned... - Anticoagulation S...
Back on Warfarin

Double check with your GP and pharmacy. I'm not sure if you should be taking both.
Hi MazzyB,
Like the others, I am amazed to hear you were asked to continue to take both anticoagulants.
Your reply to Moo196 seems to suggest that you are now taking Warfarin only? Hopefully the symptoms you described have now gone away?
TC (survivor of 22 years of taking Warfarin)
I was really shocked that I was told to stay on both tablets! It was the Warfarin Clinic at St James Hospital too who told me! I still feel unwell with cramping feeling in my hands but also discovered I have a water infection too! Got to go back for INR on Friday though so hopefully I will feel better by then. Thanks.
Is that the St. James's in Leeds? As a non clinician, but around AF and anticoagulants for a long time, seems like a decision the hospital needs to satisfactorily explain to you. Maybe someone with more profound clinical knowledge on the forum might care to comment too. Hope you are feeling tip top soon. TC
You needed to take both because warfarin takes several days to build your inr up to your correct level, once your inr is in range you would stop other blood thinner. Hopefully you will start feeling better. 🤞
Thanks for your help.
Hi I was on apixaban until recently, I too had pin and needles in my hand and arm which I could not shake off. The specialist said it’s not a known side effect but after 2 reviews I am now on rixaraxon to see if there is a difference, and yes pins and needles gone. Not sure if these tablets are for the long term though as pharmacist keeps checking up on me for issues like dizziness and bleeding. Making me look for those issues. In my job I use a lot of heavy potentially dangerous equipment and work alone, so making me a bit anxious about them. But to answer question about Apixa didn’t have any other side effects. But taking both I’d check is it short term or is it to enable apix to get in your system before weening? You off warfarin.Sorry this is a bit behind the curve don’t come on site that often.
I'm actually shocked to hear that you've been told to take both... I know you are now back on Warfarin BUT I'd still flag this up with your GP as to why you were told to take both. Luckily, you've questioned this, some people don't and the consequences could be dire...