So anxious today.. I went to ER last night for shortness of breath.. no new clots.. also had heavy menstrual cycle.. I was sent home with normal labs etc.. I just feel anxious today.. which makes me more short of breath.. I cant eat when I'm like this..
Anxious again..: So anxious today.. I... - Anticoagulation S...
Anxious again..
I'm afraid one comes with the other regarding shortness of breath.I still have those symptoms after nearly 9 years.I've been in and out of hospital so many times.I know it's very difficult,especially so early after any PE,but you've either got to teach yourself to relax more,or seek help through the authorities to learn to breath differently.
Sounds easy, it isn't.I have found the way I breath is totally different to how I did before my massive PE with multiple clots to my lungs.I myself never used to get anxious over anything until this happened in my life,but now nearly 9yrs after my episode,the thought of ''dry drowning'',as I thought I was,does make you feel anxious.
What is in your mind will never go away,but trying different things to take your mind away from these thoughts will help,but not totally the answer.
Hope you are feeling better
I've just picked up my next 8 weeks' supply of rivaroxaban and happened to glance at the patient information leaflet, which usually goes straight into the bin; it does say that extra-heavy periods are one of the things you should report. Having said that, I understand that they do lighten up after a few months (I no longer have them, thankfully; one of the few advantages of getting old!). Anxiety is an absolute pain - I have to have a CT scan on Friday and am dreading hearing I have new clots.... but I don't think I actually do, or only tiny ones if so. Anyway, the point is, this is where you need to learn some techniques to deal with anxiety - there are plenty of techniques around. Google them, and find one that works for you. And even if you can't eat, make sure you stay hydrated and try to get at least one slice of bread-and-butter down you so you can take your rivaroxaban!
You made me laugh, thank u for that! I pray no clots for u! You are so sweet and kind and you're going through so much! Where do u live? I'm in US... keep in touch!
I'm in the UK, which is in many ways a better place to have blood clots than the US is.
So nice to talk over thousands of mikes away! Is health care different there?
Also. What time do u take your xarelto? I'm switching to the 20mg once daily tonight.. I took my last 15mg last night..
Yes, healthcare is very different here, as it is free at the point of use, having been paid for out of what's called National Insurance (you and your employer both pay a graduated contribution, according to how much you earn), which also supplies our pensions. There is a fixed charge for prescriptions, but those under 18 and over 60 don't have to pay, and people with chronic illnesses can buy pre-paid certificates, which are cheaper. Nobody need dread an accident or severe illness, or having a child with complex medical needs. The system has its faults, notably long waiting times for non-urgent cases, but in an emergency you really can't fault it.
I take my Xarelto at breakfast time, since I tend to have breakfast at around the same time each day, which cannot be said for my other meals! A good excuse for a small glass of fruit juice to wash it down with.
Wow, that is nice! I'm gonna take mine at night. I figure I can at least try the bread and butter recommendation. It's weird not taking 2 a day now but I guess more convenient!
Much more convenient - you do need to take them on a full stomach, but you get far fewer side-effects on the 20mg once a day dose.
Thank you. Did your chest feel weird when you lay on your back? I get a heavy, warm or short of breath feeling at times. -Brooke
It was mostly a pain all down my right side, but it passed.
Were u nervous to drive? How is your energy level now?
I don't drive - well, I do have a license but loathe driving so don't do it unless I must - and my energy levels are pretty useless. I'm better if i'm up and doing, but then tend to sleep all afternoon....
I hope your ok.. do u have help at least? I hope to be back to my normal functioning self soon!
How did your scan go?
Don't know yet. Expect the consultant will ring in a couple of weeks. Meanwhile the people trying to insert the cannula weren't very good at it, and it was left to the radiologist to do it very well indeed, but I now have a massive bruise on my inner elbow from the earlier efforts!
What is the cannula for?
It's how they inject the radioactive dye for the CT scan, that makes you feel very odd indeed for a few moments - it's not an unpleasant feeling, rather the reverse, but very strange. You go all hot from the inside out, and it almost feels as though you have wet yourself, only you haven't. As I said, not unpleasant, but very, very unlike anything else.
Oh yes, we call it iv here in the states.. it is a strange feeling and my entire body gets warm.. I hope you are finding strength today.. I had an episode earlier where I was cooking for my daughter and my heart rate went up to 148.. just for a few minutes but always makes me nervous when it happens..
Haven't done much today except some knitting and crochet.
Do you panic if you get a headache? Do you take anything to help you sleep?
No, and no.
Just checking in. Was your scan ok? Have they ever mentioned 10mg if xeralto to you? I hope you have a good weekend
Yes thanks. Haven't heard back from the consultant, so assume there was nothing wrong in the scan - they'd have said things before now if there were. No, still on 20mg rivaroxaban, there's no talk of reducing it.