I had the coil put in back in March I'm just wondering how long it takes to reduce ur periods as I'm still having bad periods
Periods on rivaroxaban : I had the coil... - Anticoagulation S...
Periods on rivaroxaban
Last time I saw my gynae she said it could take up to 6 months to kick in? Hope yours starts working soon.
I ended up expelling my coil with a clot even though I was doing everything Dr said (tranexamic acid and provera as well as coil). Im very nervous about my next period. Have been on thinners for 12 weeks now and have bled for 9 of them
I'm not even sure if the coil is still there this is my third coil I've had 2 blood transfusions I was fine on provera but they have took me off that now. I have been on thinners since September last year n it's not getting any better.
Can you feel the strings? Mine moved, the strings were short then after the clot passed they were very long, then it was expelled in another blood clot. The coil is so tiny, you might have expelled it and not realised? esp if you have been having heavy bleeding.
I'm waiting to get the coil fitted I'm hoping it lightens my periods. I'm on rivoxaban my periods are hurrendous since starting this .
My coil has come out I think with the heavy bleed can you have the mini pill that works straight away
Ive had the coil 18 months and still spot every day, went to gyny last week said because of anticoagulants some people never stop but the extreme bleeding without it can lead to uterine cancer so not much choice