Hi, I've just been diagnosed with a pulmonary embolism age 44 only went in hospital because I was being sick never heard of pulmonary embolism before.
Pulmonary embolism : Hi, I've just been... - Anticoagulation S...
Pulmonary embolism
It's a blood clot which usually travels from a leg up to the lungs, following this a person is usually treated with an anticoagulant, Warfain or one of the other new drugs out there.
Causes ? Travel, bed rest
Take a look at the web, make sure it is an nhs site.
Also you could also look us the sticky blood site on here
Hi Jtonkin9, you are not alone in this experience of being diagnosed of something you never heard before. I had a DVT in the left leg 1 month after having lower back surgery. I took Eliquis for 3 mos until the follow-up revealed no more clots. However, flying for longer than 2 hours and a long drive ushered the PE. Just got released 3 days ago after 5 in the hospital. I am back on Eliquis for a while. To make sure you are clear, ensure your INR and PT 1 levels are within their normal range. Cat-scan, ultrasound of legs and heart also must be negative