High everyone, I thought there might be others who are in my predicament, but not the amount that have aired their discontent about being refused blood strips on prescription.
Due to a divorce; rather than give my half of the house to a landlord in rent within 10 years; I bought a motorhome and travel (at the moment) around Wales.
Last year I did Mid and North Wales, and I am sad to say I must have cost the NHS around £4,000. I have to make an appointment at a surgery which is always arduous. First you have to make an appointment (1 to 2 weeks) then you have to return and wait to see a doctor. He takes your blood (sometimes a nurse) then gives you a check up. It involves registering as a temporary patient where all my details remain on their computer (I am unlikely to return). This I have to do every time I require an INR blood test.
I require INR testing for the irregular Heart beat and will be on warfarin and beta blockers for the rest of my life. The above costs and details drove me to find other alternatives. Great I thought! And to save the NHS I bought the machine myself (£300). However I soon found out that they would not supply the Blood strips. First the doctor said that I was not being monitored. So I contacted the local hospital who monitor my INR and asked them to send my monitoring details to the surgery. The hospital has been my monitor for five plus years. This they duly did. Now my surgery is saying that the Fax did not recommend that I be prescribed blood strips. I contacted the Nurses at the Warfarin clinic to which they state that they cannot prescribe. Which I already knew.
However I will fight to the bitter end. I am saving an already strapped NHS thousands of pounds, and if I have to I will purchase the strips myself.
So my agenda is to speak to the Nurse that monitors me (off today, back tomorrow) to see what she can do or suggest. Refusal by my surgery will lead to me seeing my local AM/MP. Then the local paper, then to the Nationals. I will make a loud noise on the principle of saving the NHS thousands.
As to the previous contributors. The alternative medications are contentious. Are you aware that there is no antidote to this medication. If you bleed, even on the operating table, there are no coagulates to stop any bleeding. So no operation; and if you are at anyplace which evolves a cut or involved in a road accident or any other blood letting situation, on that medication, you are dead.
And to be fair I was recently told that there is a new medication that doesn't have the issues above. But its new. I have an issue with that, that we do not know the long term consequences. There are people who live well into their time on warfarin and many Pensioners live in excess of their eighties. Proven!
Thank you all. I will keep you posted.