Hi, I am 36 and have been on warfarin since the age of 18. Fairly recently it was decided that I would be a good candidate for Rivaroxaban. I was changed over to it but had emergency surgery which resulted in a post op PE. Due to this it was decided I should go back onto warfarin with a higher target range. I really don't seem to be getting on very well with it and my INR just won't go up. In about 8 weeks my INR has only been in target once. I was left on the same dose for the following week and it literally dropped right back down. I'm currently on 10mg a day but I'm worried as I have a long history of clots and really don't want to get any more! Has anyone else experienced this? X
Unstable INR: Hi, I am 36 and have been... - Anticoagulation S...
Unstable INR

I have been on warafin for 3 months and I seem to be on a pattern. I have 2 weeks in range the the following 3 weeks extremely low . I know the diet can effect it but I don't change it that much . I go from 10mg to 4mg but its always 2 weeks in range but the lower end of the range and 3weeks below range.
I felt the same as you my inr was going from one extreme to another so I opted to take rivoxaban been on it since Nov 18th and had no problems I don't need inr checks. I will need a kidney function test after 3 months.
I try not to think about the trauma side of the tablet. As warfarin can be reversed.
When I was on 10mg of warfarin I felt so ill the sickness feeling was terrible.
I've had 3 dvt this current one is a very extensive one from my groin all the way down my thigh to my knee.
I was on warfarin but my inr was so unstable.
I started rivoxaban on 18th November Ive had no side effects at all best decision I have made.
10mg of warfarin made me feel so ill the nausea was terrible.
Far too high a doseage.
I've got factor 5 leiden clotting abnormality
I'm going to be retested for any abnormalities soon (just waiting on referral to go through). I was tested when I was 18 (first DVT) but they didn't find anything. I'm currently on 11mg warfarin a day but because my target range is now higher, I went back on to the Warfarin. I was in hospital and they stopped the Rivaroxaban for 1 day and as a result of that I got a PE. I'm hoping they find something as at least I will know why I clot so easily!