I just got my pacemaker last week. I have had afib for years,three ablasions, etc. I was on xaralto until 3 days before my surgery/pacemaker. Now I am on one baby aspirin until tues recheck. They think they nicked something as there was a tiny bit of fluid around my heart. Expected to self resolve as not pain and small amount. My questions are many? But the first one is how to do you know if you have a DVT or PE? I imagine a PE to be radical symptoms but not sure.
new to pacemaker: I just got my... - Anticoagulation S...
new to pacemaker
When I had a Dvt i had pain swelling in my Right leg calf which then increased to thigh as GP gave me the wrong diagnosis that was 30 plus years ago
PE blood clot to the lungs, breathless, if you feel you have any of these symptoms you must see a Doctor either at accident and emergency or at surgery
I know it's bad to look up symptoms on the internet but if you do make sure it's an NHS site
Hope you feel better soon
Hi Mary,
I have had 6 ablations, unsuccessful, but cardiologist says a pacemaker is not suitable for AF.- says it is only suitable for ventricular Fibrillation. Can anyone cast any light on this. I am 72, male with AF for 40 years, taking Arythmol 3 x 150 mg. daily even though they are contra-indicated for long QT syndrome.As anticoagulant am on 2 x 5mg. Apixaban daily. Hope your slight problem is better now.....get your haemoglobin checked in case there is a slight chronic bleed, or get your stools checked, your GP can do this.
my pacemaker will not help my afib. It will only help to keep my heart rate up with exertion as it has a sensor for this. Due to meds or ablation damage,they are not sure which, it does not escalate leaving me breathless and with 02 drops. Therefore the pacemaker. I have heard others getting one for low heartrate without exertion. That is a more traditional type of pacemaker.
In terms of follow up I see the electro cardiologist this tuesday and get a ct. I can ask re bloodwork then.