If so has it helped there walking issues?
Are there any AMN people out there that have ha... - AMN EASIER
Are there any AMN people out there that have had botox shots for there legs?

I had botox in my legs about 3 years ago. I had half dose in each leg. At the time I was walking stiffly but without a walking stick. My walking deteriorated greatly for about 6 months and then improved once it had worn off. My legs felt like jelly which in turn made me very exhausted. I have heard that it can help those that are immobile and in wheelchairs who will have stiffness in their limbs but as long as I can still walk, albeit with a stick now, I will not be having it again.

I was referred to the botox specialist a few years back but after seeing me they were not of the view that it could help. The reason they gave was that AMN spasticity affects large muscles and botox was only effective for small muscle groups.
That analysis may have changed of course over the years. However I have not pursued it.
I don't have any experience with botox but after switching doctors last year I was put on a regiment of Metanx and B-12 injections which has helped my neuropathy a great deal. Metanyx is a prescription vitamin used for neuropathy for diabetics and can be ordered through Brand Direct Health Pharmax at 985-809-2181 for about 1/3rd of the price at your local pharmacy.