15 minutes in to the J&J shot. Will update as the time passes on any side effects.
I got the shot: 15 minutes in to the J&J shot... - AMN EASIER
I got the shot

At least side effects shows that your body is making antibodies! Just have paracetamol handy!
All the best
My son had the Oxford yesterday. His girlfriend texted me at 5 this morning. He has a fever. She’s doubled his steroids, is giving him paracetamol every 4 hours, & making him drink water. When he’s not well, he always wants to just sleep, but with Addison’s he can’t do that. I always tell him he has to do as his girlfriend tells him, or I will drive round there, and sit at his bedside 🤣 It works every time 🤣🤣 I hope you don’t get any side effects.
A few side effects this morning. Chills but no fever. Achy. Cough not horrible. Might be unrelated considering allergy season and my stuffy head.
I got the Moderna first shot 2 days ago. Sore arm for a day, but that’s about it. Did have a headache and worsened back pain but that is a very common occurrence for me and the weather here is awful right now so I feel pretty much normal.
Let us know if you start getting better phone reception (5G!?) and grow an extra arm! (Totally kidding 😉)

Had the first Moderna shot on February 27 without any trouble.Got the second shot on March 27th and all hell broke loose. I was horribly fatigued, so went to bed (no problem there). When I got up the next morning, I had little use of my legs, no support or strength. My husband was home so he helped me to the bathroom and then back to bed until dinnertime last night. That's when I started doing more for myself again. Didn't sleep much last night - expected as I'd slept most of the day before. This morning it's all back and I look forward to the day.
I hope that no one else has had any trouble!! Just wanted it to be "out there".
I got the first Pfizer shot on Tuesday. I had adrenal insufficiency all Wednesday and added 80 mg hydrocortisone to make it through. I was fine by evening.

What do you mean you "had adrenal insufficiency"? Do you mean that you felt like you had low cortisol? I'm perhaps a bit strange in that even though I have primary adrenal insufficiency, I never really "feel" spikes and drops in cortisol levels. It's bizarre to me that other AI people can tell when they're really low.
I was wondering the same. I’ve recently joined some Addison’s disease FB pages. I’ve picked up a good bit of info from these pages and has helped me understand more about what is happening in my health. Especially on days I can tell something is quite right but I can’t put my finger on it.
My wife & I got the first shot of Pfizer on Valentines Day. We classified it as a romantic morning out together. The headache the following day was titanic, 2nd dose next month!