Good Afternoon Everybody,
I’ve written here before about this but i am simply at my wits end. I like many amn patients have suffered from erectile dysfunction (ed) and anorgasmia. This first started two years ago. During that time ive tried sildenafil/viagra which didnt work and eventually i got on bimix which does work. Unfortunately using bimix i have not been able to reach an orgasm from sex with my gf and its very difficult/takes 30+ minutes on my own.
I recently started cabergoline to try to help but i haven’t noticed a difference on my own and to make matter worse my gf and i broke up so i cant try it out with her.
I’ve been dealing with these issues for two plus years and it just seems like nothing is enough. I was wondering how common this is and what any of you may have done to address this. Thanks.
Edit multiple years later: Hello again everyone! I figured i’d update the post in case anyone comes along wondering what worked for me.
It turns out if you’ve been on bimix for i while and go back to viagra/cialis it can make the cialis/viagra more effective. Thats what happened for me. I now use cialis as needed. It doesn’t work 100% of the time depending on how tired or hungry i am, but i’m very happy with it. The bimix may have been hindering my ability to orgasm.
Another helpful thing i’ve noticed is that the sex position makes a huge difference. Myself and other ald/amn patients have noticed that if you kneel down and place your legs under your thighs and press down, that this places pressure on the inside of your thighs/groin area. This makes it immensely easier to reach an orgasm. I suspect this has something to do with our weird nerves and muscle function.
Finally, I got a better partner. My current partner is patient and willing to try anything to make things work. I can not overstate how beneficial this is.
To anyone struggling like i was, especially younger people, i’d say to be patient and don’t lose hope. We may have to do things differently but with the right partner we can make things work. Thanks again everyone!