MIN-102 water retention: Apologies for the... - AMN EASIER


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MIN-102 water retention

wilburlois15 profile image
6 Replies

Apologies for the picture of my lower leg but this is what it looks like nowadays after I have taken my socks off. The sock elastic squeezes the water-filled cells, leaving a bulge above and below the line.

At my 12-week appointment my weight was measured at 4kg above that at the baseline (80kg vs 76kg) and I was told to keep measuring it to see how it developed further. In the subsequent 3 weeks I measured 81.5kg, 85.5kg (eek) and most recently yesterday 82.5kg. I am pretty relieved at the reduction.

It seems that the reduction in medication (I was instructed to reduce from 17ml per day to 12ml per day) has had an effect but that effect takes place with a lag of perhaps 2 weeks.

Not sure where my weight stabilises now but it is good to see that it has stopped increasing. I definitely feel the extra weight when I'm walking up hill!

Otherwise I continue to feel improvements in my symptoms at the margin but there has been no eureka moment. Guessing it is my balance which has improved the most because I seem to be more comfortable taking time to place my feet rather than rushing to bang them down on the ground.

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wilburlois15 profile image
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6 Replies
KennyInPA profile image

I really appreciate you sharing this as it's all good information to know to be prepared for the trial. So you think the added weight is slowing you down for more stabilization? That's a different spin on it for sure, but hey if it's helping keep on!

wilburlois15 profile image
wilburlois15 in reply to KennyInPA

The extra weight only seems to make my life more difficult! Walking uphill is even more of an ordeal than it used to be. Happy that my weight is no longer going up though. Will keep weighing myself on a weekly basis ...

KennyInPA profile image
KennyInPA in reply to wilburlois15

Ok so more of a catch 22 situation then! Keep us posted. My initial visit is 10/3 here in the US. Look forward to sharing my experience as well to compare!

KeithS profile image

I've yet to see any visible or tangible difference since starting taking the medication just over 6 weeks ago. If anything I feel my walking is a bit worse. I tripped and feel twice yesterday. I don't use a stick but rarely fall. I am still on 10ml but I hope to get an instruction to increase soon. Obviously I could be on the placebo...

wilburlois15 profile image
wilburlois15 in reply to KeithS

It took several weeks for me to see any water retention. At my 4-week visit, my weight was the same as at the start. My swollen ankles only become obvious after they'd increased my dosage and it was a shock at the 12-week visit when I realised I'd added 4kg (now +6.5kg). I get the feeling there is a hefty lag with everything.

Keep going! My daily journey home from dropping the kids off at school is taking a lot longer either because I have suddenly become unfit or the weight of the water is taking its toll...

wilburlois15 profile image

Just a quick update. After the reduction in dosage at the beginning of September (17ml down to 12ml), my weight looks like it has stabilised between 81 and 85kg, 5-9kg more than at the start of the trial. I think it's all water but I guess this water retention could be covering up for some other weight gain. I'm still pretty shattered by the end of my 1 hour round-trip walk to take the kids to school but think my fitness is starting to catch up with the extra load. All-round, things are feeling pretty good right now but still not breaking out of the top of my range of performance pre-trial. Another 7 weeks until the 24-week update and exercises.

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