I'm in Blue Cross, hoping to find a specialist. So far, no luck.
Any Neurologists in Los Angeles Specialize in AMN? - AMN EASIER
Any Neurologists in Los Angeles Specialize in AMN?

Can I strongly suggest that you contact the Myelin Project patti.chapman@myelin.org
Thanks Aussie Bob - Will call them asap (found a phone #) and will ask for Patti Chapman.
Aldlife. Org is another option have found them most helpful.
Thanks. WIll check out.
I am stationed at Camp Pendleton, California and I have been seen by an Endocrinologist at Balboa hospital in San Diego and they have good knowledge of the disease and they are familiar with the medications that I have been prescribed such as Hydrocortisone for being adrenal insufficient and Fludrocortisone for salt wasting. If you can't find any phone numbers, let me know and I will let you know how to get a hold of them. If not them they will be able to get you in contact with another location that can assist you.