I've just read this interesting article describing the importance of Vitamin K2 in maintaining bone health, and as this nutrient is so often overlooked by our medical people thought I'd share here:
Vitamin K2: I've just read this... - Osteoporosis Support
Vitamin K2

Thank you! That was very interesting and helpful. Especially for the dosage.
Thank you for sharing this. Seems like I need to up my dosage of K2 just a bit. And I didn't realize I shouldn't take it with other fat-soluble supplements.
Heron, what a mine of information this post is!
Another addition to my bookmarks😊.
Particularly revealing not taking K+D together. I guess we live and learn; problem is: there is so much to learn....
Thank you for letting us know,
Hi,I started taking k2 when I saw calcium deposits spread throughout my body on a CT,which neither the ER dr or my PCP told,I looked up the results of the CT scan on my health acc. They're in my arteries, aorta, kidneys &more. I did a search into the cause of calcium deposits in arteries etc & found out that it's from not taking K2 with D. I was put on high calcium &d for a cervical(neck) fusion, my disc was pushed 1/3 of the way into my spinal cord. I kept taking the D because I have Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency &don't digest fat soluble vitamins well due to low lipase&other pancreas enzymes caused by Chronic Pancreatitis, which is chronic inflammation of the pancreas causing fibrosing and damaging of the pancreas tissue. Only a fraction of that tissue is healthy, so it can't make enuf enzymes to digest food to nutrients that can be metabolized. So not only did I have these calcium deposits, because I'd been taking D so long I found out later,after a Dr finally ordered vitamin level tests that my D was at toxic levels. Which can cause osteoporosis when D doesn't go to the bone where it's supposed to &helps calcium adhere to the bone strengthening it. All the years of taking calcium &D gave me calcium deposits,bone loss&now 3rd stage Osteoporosis. Partly from too much D without the K2 to send it to bones to adhere calcium to them, & partly from my pancreas enzyme insufficiency which I now have to take a RX of pancreas enzymes every time I eat. But why do Drs , or vitamin & supplement sites never tell you if you get D you have to take K2. Or maybe Drs&the people who make or sell vitamins& supplements don't know. Tho if prescribing, making or selling vitamins, aka nutrition stores& pharmacies THEY SHOULD NO & PUT IT ON THE LABEL SO IF YOU'RE GONNA TAKE IT, IT'LL WORK& NOT DO THE OPPOSITE & MAKE YOU LOSE BONE MASS!
Thank you for sharing your story. This is very important information. Had you considered writing a separate post about this so that more people would see it and read it?
I count myself very lucky indeed that one of the first things a friend (not a doctor or pharmacist) told me was how important Vitamin K2 is for maintaining bone health. The other thing I found out was that because I have (asymptomatic) sarcoidosis my D level might run high so I insisted on having my level tested and it turned out it was creeping up into the toxic range. So now instead of taking two 1000 IU Vitamin D a day, as doctor had suggested, plus what was in the calcium supplement I was taking, I take one every second day, and I also take 200 mcg Vitamin K2 every day. Vitamin D gets tested about once a year now, and it is in healthy range. Had I not learned these things very early on I might be in the same situation as you.
I completely agree that we should be given this information, and also that one have the Vitamin D level checked, at least for a base line. I only knew I had sarcoidosis because years ago I developed a swollen lymph gland and naturally that was biopsied asap, and it turned out to be sarcoidosis. My doctor wasn't even going to have my D level tested. Doctors don't, indeed they can't, know everything, but this information seems pretty basic to me!
I've learned to research & find out everything for myself after I was told incorrect info or blown off &burned when I was1st diagnosed with the unnamed Chronic progressive illness I have . I question & research everything a Dr says or drugs they prescribe unless it's" yes you have a bladder infection"If I hadn't I'd be dead, thrown to the medical wolves who if they don't know what or why there's nothing wrong with you, so you must be a drug seeker. That's part of the stigma of my Chronic progressive disease. I never got the Covid not vaccine shot either after I researched it. Drs hate the internet when you know what they don't or just blow you off, "did you find that out on the internet" smirk. Yes Dr it was in the NIH, the National Institute for Health, or US Gastroenterology, not on social media. Sorry if I'm sounding a little rankled, been gaslighted & labeled by ignorant & arrogant Drs, PAs, or whoever. SOMETIMES YOU GOTTA MAKE NOISE, THE SQUEAKY WHEEL GETS THE ATTENTION!
I take Vit 2 as part of my calcium pill (Thera Cal) It helps guide the calcium where to go they say but I felt either way, it couldn't hurt.