osteoporosis or osteoarthritis - Osteoporosis Support

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osteoporosis or osteoarthritis

Karana81 profile image
26 Replies


I wrote a few days ago about the big change in my DEXA spine number and the increased discrepancy between my lumbar spine number -4.3 and my hip -2.3. I am meeting with my endocrinologist today and want to discuss reasons for this decline and discrepancy. I read that there are a couple of things that can skew scores - poor placement on the table, scoliosis and arthritis. I know that I have arthritis in my jaw and in my hands, so wonder if that can be the reason for the worsened score? My hip went from osteoporosis to osteopenia, so that my bone density got so much worse in my spine requires more investigation I think. Can anyone speak to the likelihood of osteoarthritis making my DEXA score inaccurate? Thank you!

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Karana81 profile image
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26 Replies
Raleigh59 profile image

I would like to know the same answers as you. I have scholiosis in my lower spine,

I had a first time tech who had never even seen a dexa machine in her life and she didn’t place me or tell me anything about how to lie on the table and threw the block on the table hastily and not carefully.

My scores are -4.7 in spine and -3.4 and -3.1 in hips. Even the doctor was not sure of if the tech or “the read “ whatever that means and didn’t charge me for the dexa.

When I went to the endocrinologist she said “ I suspect the dexa machine can pick up the slack for a first time tech. “

so my endocrinologist thought there was no need for a repeat dexa. I am plodding along now as though those are my real numbers .

I know I have arthritis in lower spine exactly where my worst Numbers and scholiosis

are, but I spoke to an experienced tech who said the scholiosis actually skews your numbers to better than what they really are but I didn’t tell her I have arthritis or osteoarthritis in my lower spine.

And the differences in my two hips indicate the scholiosis I think.

Regarding a large discrepancy in the numbers I had two doctors say yes, the two body locations of hip and spine have different algorithms and are measured in a different way so that accounts for the large discrepancy.

I have complete empathy for you. I am only 60 and feel I have old lady bones and I am scared of fragility fractures. I used to want to travel and see the world now I just want to go to the gym and take supplements.

It’s been the biggest wake up call of my life other than false alarm cancer scare in the winter where two top doctors totally screwed up. When I found out I did not have leukemia I said to myself well what other test have I been neglecting and so I did the dexa. And now my priority is my bones.

I take fosamax which I hate but I am plowing through 14 half pills of 5 mgs. And then I am trying actonel.

The new fake bone does not create fragility fractures, I think it prevents those, some people though I guess are worse off for the medicines and science hasn’t yet figured out who is and who isn’t. I personally don’t want a hump or spinal fractures so I am doing the medicine. I won’t be able to do 6 or one month medicine. I am only doing minimal every other day.

Karana81 profile image
Karana81 in reply to Raleigh59


I am so sorry you are dealing with these challenging DEXA numbers and really relate to how daunting they are. (And a wrong cancer diagnosis - that is so scary). I have read, and my doctor confirmed, that certain things like scoliosis and arthritis and poor placement on the bed can skew scores. In my case, she explained that the tech had measured different parts of my spine this time, which produced the big difference. She showed me my scans. I must say that honestly, I didn’t understand it and I still don’t know which number is most accurate - the -4.3 or the -3.9. Either way, she said it was highly unlikely that I would lose 7% of bone in just over a year, especially since my hip improved and there had to be an error. I can imagine it was pretty shocking to get such high numbers the first time. I have had many DEXAs over the years so I was not AS surprised at my bad spine number - but I was/am very unhappy! When you have your DEXA next year, you will at least have a comparison.

My doctor decided to have me continue with my Reclast infusion protocol - in two weeks I will have my second one. I tried taking Actonel orally about 15 years ago and it causes my esophagus to narrow and I had to have it dilated. The infusion seems better for me and it is just once a year. I also take a plant based calcium, vitamin D, walk four or five times a week and do some strengthening exercises for my back and hips. In the coming year, I am going to try and use a weighted vest when I walk and add magnesium glycinate (not sure of the spelling) to my supplement regime. I also am very mindful about falling. I know it can happen, but I try very hard to pay attention to my surroundings. I am hoping that doing these things will keep my numbers status quo (or maybe better) in the next year.

I know it is frustrating and frightening to have these big numbers, but I hope you can keep taking the med, exercise, take D and calcium and not worry. You will hopefully have better scores next year :-)

Raleigh59 profile image
Raleigh59 in reply to Karana81

Thank you

I am very obsessed about my Numbers and not happy either but after the shock I finally joined a gym and I’ve been going almost daily for 6 weeks. I do weight machines and elliptical as my main activities there. I am wondering if the massage chairs that beat up your muscles and back would help? I am thinking of upgrading my membership to do the massage for my back and hips every day . I also do a lot of supplements.

Karana81 profile image
Karana81 in reply to Raleigh59

Poor numbers are definitely motivating! It sounds like you are absolutely doing the right things. I bet you see an improvement in your next DEXA. I am not familiar with massage chairs, really. I think I would ask my doctor about whether that would be useful. Or Google it? Weight bearing is what you want for your spine. As I said, my doctor suggested a weighted vest for walking. Best of luck to you - your regimen sounds like a winner!

Raleigh59 profile image
Raleigh59 in reply to Karana81

I read many articles about weighed vest. But I read you want the one with soft weights and not hard iron weights because if you fall you want the soft weights.

Boatrutter profile image
Boatrutter in reply to Karana81

I am just wearing it doing activity of daily living. . I'm visiting grandkids. So not walking. At home I walk 3.5 miles. But since I just ordered the vest I've not used it there yet. Will probably order a second one so I can have it available. O should start walking tomorrow. I too am obsessed however if not now when? I also am working on posture

Karana81 profile image
Karana81 in reply to Boatrutter

is this the vest? I can’t find it without the DVD. shop.betterbones.com/produc...

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to Karana81

This is the vest I bought. The weights are little ingots, very small, so you can increase weight very slowly. Vest fits snugly, perfectly adjustable, and would not harm you in any way.


If a person is prone to falling they might want to use walking poles. And also do exercises which improve proprioception (sense of where you are in space).

Karana81 profile image
Karana81 in reply to HeronNS

This vest looks great too. Thank you!

Boatrutter profile image
Boatrutter in reply to Karana81

are they charging for the dvd. . ..? Mine came with a down loadable info book. But of course I can’t download it. But it was no extra charge

Karana81 profile image
Karana81 in reply to Boatrutter

it is only a few dollars extra -$212 - not a big deal :-)

TWEETYCAT profile image
TWEETYCAT in reply to Karana81

I wear the weighted vest that walmart carries by ATHLETIC WORKS. It criss crosses your back and chest with soft weights. I have tried several, but this is the only one that was not abrasive. I have been using a 4 lb but now going up to 8 lb. I wanted a 10 lb but they don't have one. your vest should be around 10% of your body weight ,and I'm 129, so I think 8 lb will have to be close enough.

Karana81 profile image
Karana81 in reply to TWEETYCAT

Excellent info! Thanks so much!

Raleigh59 profile image

I read massage chairs are good for osteoporosis every other day but I do the hydro massage and I think that’s good every day for 10 Minutes

Also the copper on peanut butter is good

Boatrutter profile image

Your n numbers are exactly mine. I've read 40 to 75 percent inaccurate results. Especially for smaller people. Improper repositioning etc. Operators are only certified. I repeated to my operator that I had a crooked back. She basically ignored me. I'm sure mine is wrong. I'm becoming mindful of calcium intake. Weight bearing. Wearing weighted vest. Taking k2-7 to direct calcium to bone. Taking minerals. I wont take pharmac check into how those drugs work and it doesnt make sense.

TWEETYCAT profile image
TWEETYCAT in reply to Boatrutter

I'm like you doing the same things. I have spondylolisthesis in L 4 & 5 and just had a dexa done and my numbers were worse and I just don't know how that can be right as I am doing everything right. Weight vest, walking 4 miles a day, eating organic, getting enough protien, rebounding, etc. The gal that did my DEXA this time around positioned me differently. So I am having that re-looked at. I have also just started taking collagen supplements with type 1 & 3 along with my eggshell calcium. Studies show that there is much improvement with taking collagen. By doing searches on computer or phone, you can find out much info.

Karana81 profile image
Karana81 in reply to TWEETYCAT

I sure understand your frustration. It really doesn’t sound like you could be doing anything else. My doctor felt that it was unlikely my scores were actually that bad, considering my lifestyle and I bet it is the same for you.

Can you tell me what kind of weigh vest you have? I am trying to find one that can fit my small frame.

TWEETYCAT profile image
TWEETYCAT in reply to Karana81

Look into potassium citrate to take with your calcium. I have read two studies completed with men and women who had osteoporosis and found that taking this with calcium helps reduce the amount of calcium in urine and decreased bone resportion, reduces osteoclast and boosts osteoblast. In the morning I take NOW PC 99mg with my eggshell calcium and K,D, etc. At night 1 hour before bed I take my 2nd dose calcium with lactobacillus acidophilus 10mg which greatly increases the absorption or so studies show. So far I have had no adverse affect at all.

Raleigh59 profile image
Raleigh59 in reply to TWEETYCAT

which potassium citrate do you take? I take vit c with my calcium I thought that helped it absorb and a few hours later I take my k, d and mag

TWEETYCAT profile image
TWEETYCAT in reply to Boatrutter

what is the weight on your vest?

Karana81 profile image
Karana81 in reply to TWEETYCAT

I no longer have a vest. I am trying to find an appropriate one. I looked online, but they all look so big. My old ones had pockets you could add weight to. I am 5'3" and about 97 lbs. Do you have a vest that you like?

Boatrutter profile image
Boatrutter in reply to Karana81

I ordered one thru better bones. It wasnt cheap 209 dollars. It goes up to 10 lbs. I'm 110 lbs. And 4 feet 11 I am wearing it every other day with 4 lbs. I also wear ankle weights mine is adjustable. With velcro. Very well made.

Karana81 profile image
Karana81 in reply to Boatrutter

Thank you so much for this information! I will check it out. How far do you walk when wearing it?

TWEETYCAT profile image
TWEETYCAT in reply to Karana81

4 miles a day and I walk/stomp in place at least 30 minutes a day while watching tv with my vest on. it's so comfy, you can wear it throughout the day. Just walking around your house with it one helps

TWEETYCAT profile image

I wear the weighted vest that walmart carries by ATHLETIC WORKS. It criss crosses your back and chest with soft weights. I have tried several, but this is the only one that was not abrasive. I have been using a 4 lb but now going up to 8 lb. I wanted a 10 lb but they don't have one. your vest should be around 10% of your body weight ,and I'm 129, so I think 8 lb will have to be close enough.

Karana81 profile image

it appears there can be mistakes - my doctor agreed with that. Things like scoliosis, like seem to have, arthritis, poor placement. I am a small person (under 100 pounds, small bones). Have you found a vest that works. They all look so big or are weirdly shapes. I am looking for recommendations!

Good luck!

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