I had the Mirena coil fitted six months ago to help with heavy periods. Since then my hair has been falling out and is now noticeable thin on one side in particular and at the front. I have had it removed . My doctor has not been very helpful and a Dermatolgists now says I have female balding pattern. I am so depressed this all seemed to have happened so quickly. I wondered if anyone could help me.
Hair loss : I had the Mirena coil fitted six... - Alopecia UK
Hair loss
My daughter had this happen when using the coil and hair loss was greater. To give you hope her hair has recovered. She like you had the coil removed.I would also recommend information from Alopecia UK
Thank you so much for your reply can you remember how long it took for her hair to recover? Did she do anything else to help the situation? My hair has fallen out all over but is particularly bad at the front. I am also worried though as my body hair also seems very sparse.
My daughter switched to sulphate free shampoo (no parabens etc) and started taking vitamins from Holland and Barrett to support hair. Biotin is important for the hair. Also less blow drying and straightening etc - less heat. It took a few months at least.However as someone who has a form of alopeicia myself I know there are not always quick answers for everyone and each person's journey can be different. For some it is even coming to a sort of acceptance. Though of course trying out things that may help. I would strongly advise using the Alopecia UK official facebook group and/or contacting them on their website
Hi there,
I read your post and had to comment as I am in a fairly similar situation to yourself in a few ways. I've been experiencing hair loss gradually over the last 17 years but in the last 6 years it has been getting progressively worse. I've recently mustered up the courage to go to the gp and have also been diagnosed with female pattern baldness. I have the nexplanon implant in and wish to have it removed because, after researching myself, I read that contraceptives that contain high levels of progestin can cause hair loss.
I too feel in despair and it's not easy day to day so just know that there is someone else going through what you are and I'm happy to share the ups and downs with you. It's a long road ahead. I wear wigs to build up my confidence but have been told to try Minoxidil however it's too expensive 😩