Hi everybody,
I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who took part in my research a few months ago by answering an online survey.
Each and every one of you that took part helped me to achieve 9 credits at Distinction and I am so grateful to you for the time & energy you have to me.
I have been accepted into one of the top UK universities for Nursing and I start my Adult Nursing degree in September 24th. π
Thank you all for helping me & supporting me through the past 9 months of my access to higher education diploma.
If anyone would like a copy of my research report to see what I did with the answers you gave & the results I found, I am happy to send you a copy to browse at your own leisure.
In case anyone has forgotten the research was about how supported do people with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis & other chronic illnesses feel by their general practitioner.
Thank you again π