Hello can someone please advise me if 3000mg per cbd capsules is a small amount or a good amount I've seen so many posts I'm so confused x
Please help: Hello can someone please... - Andover Fibromyal...
Please help
Welcome to the AFMCG Community Ljgo !
Thank You for posting about this as CBD Oil products are becoming more popular for those with Chronic Pain, as it is legally sold in the UK.
As a general rule, discussion relating doses of medication would not be advisable and we would always refer members to local pharmacy and/or GP for further information. Obviously, this doesn't apply in this situation and I am unable to find any sites online that appear to be a reputable source of information regarding CBD doses.
Hopefully another member may know of a source online or be able to discuss doses with you. Although, AFMCG would say that any discussion on this subject within this community or advise from it's members is taken at your own risk. That being said to cross the I's and dot the T's I really hope you are able to find the answers you need.
As a newbie, I've noticed you haven't locked this post to the community and this means it is open to be read by anyone on the internet. Locking it means that only the first few lines can be read, here's the link to do this;
I look forward to chatting with you further
All the best