Fibromyalgia Action UK (FMAUK) - formerly known as Fibromyagia Association
A charity helping to support those with Fibromyalgia by providing up-to-date information, supporting local support groups and providing a benefits helpline.
UK Fibromyalgia
Four main aims including raising awareness with the British government of the Fibromyalgia condition; to encourage NHS and private funding to invest in new research projects; to work to get regional Fibromyalgia multidisciplinary clinics set-up across the UK and providing accurate information on Fibromyalgia through our magazine and social media accounts.
European Network of Fibromyalgia
Promote Fibromyalgia awareness by politicians, physicians, scientists and the general public on a European level
Fibromyalgia News Today
A science and health publishing website that occasionally writes about clinical trials taking place in the Fibromyalgia research community. The information provided on this site is designed to help educate patients on clinical trials that may be of interest to them, based on the topic of the story, and to help patients contact the centers conducting the research. Fibromyalgia News Today is neither promoting research nor involved in conducting any clinical trials.
Fibro Daily
Part of a network of blogs that help spread knowledge and awareness of Fibromyalgia, where you can get first-hand information from others who are going through the same experiences as you.
The Fibromyalgia Trust is run entirely by voluntary trustees, friends & supporters of the charity. We are a dedicated team whose own lives have been affected by fibromyalgia. The Fibromyalgia Trust(Fibrotrust) was founded in April 2012
National Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Association
FMS Clinic
The Fibro Clinic was set up to provide a gateway to pain relief caused by Fibromyalgia. Led by renowned Pain Consultant, Dr Chris Jenner we believe that many of those suffering from the effects of Fibromyalgia can find increased comfort through a multidisciplinary approach to pain relief
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis sometimes referred to as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (debate continues as to whether these are 2 separate conditions)
ME Association
Action for ME
Action for M.E. takes action to end the ignorance, injustice and neglect faced by people with M.E. They provide information, support and advice to people to help improve their health and well-being, Action for M.E. works with professionals to enhance the care and support that people with M.E. receive and funds pilot research projects to advance knowledge of the illness.
ME Support
One of the leading websites on Myalgic Encephalomyelitis providing information, advice and support. M.E. is little-known and often misunderstood but it is an extensive and debilitating neurological disease.
Tymes Trust
Tymes Trust is the only national ME charity dedicated to children and young people with ME and their families
ME Research UK
The principal aim of ME Research UK is to energise ME research by commissioning and funding scientific (biomedical) investigation into the causes, consequences and treatment of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (also known as ME/CFS).
ME Action Net
We are an international network of patients fighting for health equality for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. We build community and empower patients and advocates with the technological tools and advocacy training needed to effectively mobilize for ME equality. We were founded with the belief that while we may find it difficult to advocate for ourselves in the physical world, in the virtual world, we can be an unstoppable force
Let’s do it for ME
A UK registered charity dedicated to raising awareness of the urgent need for biomedical research into myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME). Having direct knowledge and experience of what ME sufferers and their loved ones are going through the charity wanted to do more than just help ME sufferers and their carers cope
Invest in ME
An independent UK charity finding, funding and facilitating a strategy of biomedical research into Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME or ME/CFS), as defined by WHO-ICD-10-G93.3. and promoting better education about ME.
Smile for ME
A charity for ME sufferers of all ages founded by two teenagers with ME. Our main aim is to make you smile and to raise awareness and understanding of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
European ME Alliance
National Institute of Clinical Guidelines
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