Morning....oh hang on its PM already. I have a GP appointment tomorrow and am hoping to get some reason....a diagnosis (or start to) for why I'm still suffering with daily pain (its been around 5 years now) if its all in my head. I have stiff and painful joints, back and muscles, I even spent several weeks in plaster last year for a fracture that wasn't even there (MRI ruled out fracture) When its cold and damp I can hardly move, I am often very irritable and my moods fluctuate with the pain levels. I have headaches every single day and live on paracetamol most of the year. I have IBS, I cannot concentrate and can never find the words to explain myself, I have to write everything down but even then I often forget. I can have 10 hours n bed but when I wake up I feel like I've just got there. I wake every night to pee and often lay there for sometime after with a busy head which just wont shut up. I often have to nap in the day but feel guilty and lazy when I do, but when I don't I cannot function. I quite often have swollen glands in my neck which just go down on there own after a few days. I smell weird smells, really strong that no one else can smell, they can last for days or just a few hours then as quick as they come they just disappear.
I feel like I sound like I'm going crazy.....HOW DO I APPROACH MY GP , before they've just said I'm depressed and its causing all these things in my head, but the pain and other symptoms are causing my mood to be low....they just want to chuck me on anti depressants and tick the box, but I just want a reason for feeling rubbish all the time, then I can begin to deal with what to do about it. Do I tell them I think its FM or will they think I'm just being a hypochondriac?